Title: Perry puppies born 10/22/15 Post by: Cray10 on November 24, 2015, 02:48:11 pm I have a litter of pups that were born 10/22/15. The gyp that had them is my buddies lead dog a finished long range cat gyp. The sire to these pups are my lead dog he is a brindle dog that is pure Perry blood. He is a long range dog that will not quit a hog and him and the cat gyp are both loose baying dogs. Would like to get $250 a pup they are going to be some jam dogs and will have their first rounds of shots when they're ready. There are 4 gyps and 2 males. One leopard is a male and the big brindle is a male the rest are gyps. Text 979-224-3313 located in
bryan tx Craig.ray10@gmail.com it will not let me upload pics but I can get some to whoever is interested Thank you *** pups will be 5 weeks old on thanksgiving. Will be ready in a couple more weeks.**** |