Title: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Bryant on January 31, 2016, 09:11:46 am I don't post many stories or pictures because i figure most everyone has seen plenty of dead hogs or how the bay dogs bayed, the catch dogs caught and we killed a hog.
Well I've been hunting behind dogs for many years and I had one of the craziest things happen the other night that I've ever been witness to. The evening started off like any normal hunt. We casted into a set of woods and within a short while had the first hog of the night caught and killed. We moved around a little, and made another cast. Where we were hunting is small blocks of woods surrounded by plowed open (large) fields. My dogs were gone a pretty good while and finally the young one showed back up. I checked garmin and the older dog was still out about 750 yards. About then, one of the guys says he thinks he can hear him. We get quiet, and all can hear and agree he is bayed solid. The direction of the garmin indicated he was out in one of the open fields. Baying hogs in the open has been a rare occurrence in my years of hunting, but we've had it happen on this particular place probably 4-5 times over the last year. We drive around and get about 150 yards from the dog and he is still singing. Plan was to send two catch dogs and hope for the best...knowing when the hog sees dogs headed for him he would probably break. Sure enough about the time catch dogs are near he did, and they all start moving. We were able to call catch dogs back and got them loaded up. About that time, we hear him settled back in about 450 yards away (still in the open field). We once again get within range and send two catchdogs. This time I watch them get there on the garmin and everything goes quiet. I watch for a bit longer and they aren't moving, so I assume they've caught a good hog that isn't making any noise. We run in that direction and when my light gets close enough I only see the bay dog and one catch dog standing there. I'm thinking what the heck is going on...is there a small pile of brush they're under or what? As I get closer, I notice the two dogs only looking down...and when I get to them I discover a well in the middle of this plowed field. Shine lights down, and to my horror there is my bulldog and a very sizeable boar doing battle about 25' down. Needless to say, panic sets in. Saving my dog is utmost priority at this time, and I knew that I had to kill the hog first. I retrieved the 30-30 rifle that Jake had brought and decided I would shoot the hog. The other guys wouldn't watch as I shot for fear I was going to kill the dog...I didn't see any other options. I studied...trying to pick the perfect shot for what seemed like forever. As the dog lunged back to catch a breath, I put a round in the hogs head and it immediately fell back dead. Blood quickly stained the water, and although I felt good about the shot, I couldn't be sure that the dog wasn't injured, or hadn't been cut by the boar. I don't know how deep the water was, but in just a minute or two the hog was out of sight. Our attention quickly focused on getting the dog out. Jake also had a lariat rope so we all layed around the edge of the well and lowered the rope down. Many attempts were made to get it around the dog. We got a leg a time or two but when we would start to pull she would slip out. I finally got the loop close to her head and I began to call her name and call her to me. She lunged forward in attempt to get out, and I yanked the rope and got a good tight loop around her neck. It took three of us pulling, but we got her all the way up and out. Short of a fingernail tear, she didn't have a scratch. We all figured at that point we had used all our good luck for the night, so we loaded and went home. We're going to talk with the landowner and see about putting some type of cover of the well. That's just dangerous! (http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee138/bdavis1476/hunt2_zpsbv9kx6w9.jpg) (http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee138/bdavis1476/hunt1_zps2unacydf.jpg) Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: hillbilly on January 31, 2016, 10:06:39 am That's some crazy stuff.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Cajun on January 31, 2016, 12:59:34 pm Glad you got your dog back. That could have ended badly.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Reuben on January 31, 2016, 01:16:15 pm That is one heck of a story....glad you got your dog back...
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Mike on January 31, 2016, 02:57:00 pm Dang Bryant, that could have been bad... glad you got her out.
Title: Re: Post by: justincorbell on January 31, 2016, 05:29:01 pm Thats insane! Glad you got your dog out and she is ok.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: The Old Man on January 31, 2016, 06:33:07 pm Bryant, I think I would volunteer to cover that up for them if they'd let me, but you could hunt there another 10 yrs and not have that happen.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: jdt on January 31, 2016, 09:21:02 pm hahaha yeah , i'd say that wouldn't happen again if you hunted that place a thousand more times ! you could be the only one in the world that thats ever happened too .
that was an old hand dug well , there must have been an old house place there at one time , them were hand made brick . if there are any oldtimers left around they might know the history . if it happened to me i'd still be scrathin my head lol Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: jdt on January 31, 2016, 09:24:57 pm oh and i wouldn't drink out of that well , its got a dead hog in the bottom of it lololol
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Oil Field Trash on February 01, 2016, 01:36:43 am Wow. No other word but Wow.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: l.h.cracker on February 01, 2016, 05:53:16 am Yessir that one bout tops em all for crazy sh@t.Don't know what I'd have done don't tote a gun or a lariat to the woods
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: TShelly on February 01, 2016, 06:00:03 am Insane story. Glad you saved the dog
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: RyanTBH on February 01, 2016, 07:45:19 am Wow! That's called keeping your cool there man. Congrats on getting the dog out alive and safe.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: rdjustham on February 01, 2016, 08:16:42 am WOW!! Funny thought, Wonder how bad her ears were ringing when that 30-30 let loose inside that brick well? lol
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: justincorbell on February 01, 2016, 08:22:32 am ^ thats the first thing I thought as well but it would sure beat the alternative..........ya'll ever find me and a boar hog in a hole just start shooting lol I'll try to stay out of the way! :o
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: 7Mhunter on February 01, 2016, 09:50:10 am You outta go back when he's floating! Even if he don't have teeth you could still have a skull to tell the story on!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Bryant on February 01, 2016, 11:32:52 am I bet her ears were ringing also. To be quite honest, I was so caught up in the moment I don't really even remember the noise.
We're going to go back in a couple of days...the hog should be floating. See if we can winch it out. I just noticed in the second picture the water all the way up the side of the well where we drug the dog out. Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Scott on February 01, 2016, 01:03:41 pm Good thing that hole wasn't bigger...it'd have been really nasty with more than one dog in there with the hog.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: gary fuller on February 01, 2016, 06:04:44 pm wow, glad this didnt have a sad ending.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Anita Nunley on February 01, 2016, 09:30:48 pm Wow , real lucky guys! Glad it worked out for you. Think I would ask the land owner if there was any more wells on the property, jus to be safe.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: TheRednose on February 01, 2016, 09:41:16 pm That is some clutch shooting right there. A head shot too. Well done, and glad the dog wasn't injured.
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Semmes on February 01, 2016, 09:46:52 pm Happy to hear it turned out alright there bonediggity...sound like could went hellla wronger than it did!
Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: DCHD14 on February 02, 2016, 01:51:53 pm Yea that right there will make you use them skills you might not have known you had. Glad everything worked out for the best. Sounds like it had every opportunity to go south but y'all did great.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: Crazy Hunting Story Post by: Slim9797 on February 02, 2016, 02:04:17 pm I've been showing all my buddies this story. That is crazy bud. Glad y'all got the hog and saved the dog without incident. Get that sucker covered up!
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