Title: Wanted: Long Range Dog Post by: Bryant on April 01, 2008, 03:37:20 pm A hunting partner of mine is looking to buy a medium to long range strike dog, or perhaps even a started dog that covers lots of ground. Breed, Sex or anything else really doesn't matter just as long as it's quiet on trail. Unlike mine, most of his dogs are pretty loose baying so it would be better if the dog wasn't overly catchy. I just sold a good dog last week for him at Uncle Earls that was too catchy for his pack and as a result stayed cut up all the time. He will require a trial with cash up front.
If anyone has or knows of anything, shoot me a PM. He also has some pretty good shorter range find dogs that he might consider trading one to someone if they have a dog that just gets out a little far for their liking. Thanks |