Title: Last couple of hunts pretty good Post by: shadygrovehawgdawg on February 07, 2016, 03:04:16 pm Went last weekend, turned out at 07:30 and had 3 tied and one killed by 09:00. Pretty good morning for northeast Oklahoma. Cut the dogs loose, 4 of them 2 that are going good and a couple year olds just getting started good. They hit what seemed like an old track and put a good boar on the go, he went 780 yards and fell in with a bunch of sows and pigs. One of the dogs stayed right on him and the others got hung up by some hog wire. That one dog had the whole sounder bayed by himself. We rolled up with the bulldogs and got to 60 yards. Couldn't hear the dog baying cause the hogs were so loud. Turned the catchdogs loose and about that time the others came running in. They tried to catch the little ones and busted them out before catch dogs get there. We counted 41 come running by. Ended up with 3 when we were done on that turnout. Makes you think the more dogs ain't necessarily the best way to go. Fun watching 1 bay that many. Them hogs were so loud most can't believe it.
(http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh563/shadygrovehawgdawg/52377E6B-04FD-484F-809D-EAEB810F640A_1.jpg) (http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/shadygrovehawgdawg/media/52377E6B-04FD-484F-809D-EAEB810F640A_1.jpg.html) (http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh563/shadygrovehawgdawg/0E2EB5A8-01DD-4068-B52A-7D431FFC17A9_1.png) (http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/shadygrovehawgdawg/media/0E2EB5A8-01DD-4068-B52A-7D431FFC17A9_1.png.html) Here are a couple dogs (http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh563/shadygrovehawgdawg/ECF62750-BC4C-4403-90B1-89D1F980C2C9.jpg) (http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/shadygrovehawgdawg/media/ECF62750-BC4C-4403-90B1-89D1F980C2C9.jpg.html) Ol Hammer (http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh563/shadygrovehawgdawg/DAA2BF9B-DF2F-4EDB-8438-FAB53A89A729.jpg) (http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/shadygrovehawgdawg/media/DAA2BF9B-DF2F-4EDB-8438-FAB53A89A729.jpg.html) Should add, didn't catch that big boar but caught a couple other decent ones. Thanks for looking. Title: Re: Last couple of hunts pretty good Post by: Mike on February 07, 2016, 05:05:18 pm Sounds like some good hunts... that's a good lookin' saddleback dog! How's it bred?
Title: Re: Last couple of hunts pretty good Post by: Judge peel on February 07, 2016, 06:39:17 pm Good hogs fella
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: Last couple of hunts pretty good Post by: shadygrovehawgdawg on February 07, 2016, 09:38:56 pm Thanks , Mike. He is 1/2 bluetick 1/2 cur. Got him bred to a good gyp right now. Should have some on the ground in a week or so. Thanks Judge. That dogs brother is the one that had the herd bayed. This one was slowed down by the hog wire. They look just alike. Cold nosed, hard,fast driving and open as they can be. Been catching some in some farm ground and it is awesome to see them run one down. Got on an elk a while back, he had that dudes tongue hanging! Hadn't had an open dog in years. He is about to fill a good one that I lost last summer's spot. Ended up with 7 in the trailer for the weekend.