HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Irondog87 on April 08, 2016, 05:27:43 pm

Title: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Irondog87 on April 08, 2016, 05:27:43 pm
Well I keep hearing about the Mae south Texas warthogs getting loose from these ranches but has anyone caught one with dogs yet? I know there's a ton of folks that run dogs around where they've been sighted so surely there is pics on a game camera atleast

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Pwilson_10 on April 08, 2016, 06:55:59 pm
What I was thinking but idk if they smell like hogs or not but I got some trashy loose pups that I could prolly find them with if was pointed in the right way hahaha but u would think there would be some pics or somthing

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Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Slim9797 on April 08, 2016, 07:33:42 pm
Cscott always talks about wanting to go down there and snatch one up with some dogs. Never heard of anyone actually doing it though it

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Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Irondog87 on April 09, 2016, 02:31:35 pm
I looked Online but didn't find anything. I did find something that parks and wildlife posted. They had an airial photo of a "250lbs African warthog boar" so they said.

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Slim9797 on April 10, 2016, 01:53:39 am
Couple have been shot off chaparral WMA in south Texas

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Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: 7Mhunter on April 12, 2016, 11:24:01 am
Not sure if them that got loose here will do it but the ones in Africa burrow. You can run them with dogs and they will go straight to their hole to fight.

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Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: dallas22 on April 12, 2016, 12:20:40 pm
Can they cross breed. Ive heard that a polar bear and a grizzly can bred which was said to be impossible but it happen could you imagine  if a warthog breed with a hog. You might just get a super hog

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: lettmroll on April 14, 2016, 08:01:32 am
Jared you better start away from then dang warthogs, lol

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Irondog87 on April 14, 2016, 06:39:01 pm
It was just a thought Cleve lol! Pretty sure it would be a shock to walk up and have a warthog stretched out by four yeller dogs

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: dallas22 on April 14, 2016, 06:51:03 pm
Found this on youtube dogs on a warthog https://youtu.be/8ioYTLWIexQ

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Slim9797 on April 14, 2016, 09:24:36 pm
That was a whittle baby. I wanna see a big gnarly boar tangling with some dogs !

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Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: TheRednose on April 14, 2016, 10:57:39 pm
Slim you need to go get a warthog and post it up here. If I lived any where near any warthogs I would make it my mission!!! You know I would mount that and put it up in my front room. pfff that Trumps feral pigs hahahaha But really you need to go shank one of them. Are there any different rules about killing them?

Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: Slim9797 on April 14, 2016, 11:05:54 pm
Rednose, I ain't that far south buddy!!! I'm on the I-10 corridor. Tell you what though, if Cscott will bring his dogs I'll make the trip to go get one, as for rules I have no clue. I'm just south enough to claim I catch south Texas hogs lol

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Title: Re: South Texas warthog?!
Post by: TheRednose on April 15, 2016, 03:31:04 pm
Rednose, I ain't that far south buddy!!! I'm on the I-10 corridor. Tell you what though, if Cscott will bring his dogs I'll make the trip to go get one, as for rules I have no clue. I'm just south enough to claim I catch south Texas hogs lol

Nice, well if you do go I wish you luck. That would be a hell of a trophy my friend.