HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Judge peel on April 23, 2016, 11:25:01 am

Title: Remember when
Post by: Judge peel on April 23, 2016, 11:25:01 am
I member back when people needed help for any reason and people would stop what they was doing to help no matter what it was. We have lost that over the yrs no one wants to be bothered. Just something to think bout

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Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: Georgia-Hawgs on April 23, 2016, 11:52:22 am
What ya need judge? Haha your right. Me and my wife were just talking about it the other day. Nobody throws there hand up when you ride by anymore.  It might sound petty but I appreciate it when folks wave instead of looking at you like what the hell are you doing around here. Lol. But on the other hand we were sitting on the side of the road trying to intercept the dogs Thursday and an old black fella stopped and asked if we was alright or needed anything.

Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: Goose87 on April 23, 2016, 04:21:24 pm
Your exactly right judge, nowadays most folks want to know what they can gain from helping you. My mom is and has always taught me that if you see somebody doing something you better pitch in and help them, for those of us who are Christian, no good deed goes unseen, rather we know it or not but someway somehow God will return the favor.

Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: Judge peel on April 24, 2016, 08:35:26 am
When I was a kid any one in the family or close friends needed a place to stay momma took them in even if it was 3 months. She use to say we can't turn our backs to people cuz we might be in that same position one day and we would want the same help. We where very poor but at times would have ten plus people staying at the house. Lots of beans and corn bread. People just ain't close no more kinda sad.

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Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: charles on April 25, 2016, 10:05:46 pm
You are correct in your posts, BUT, i wouldnt say folks arent close anymore, just overly cautious. You dont know who you can trust anymore nowadays, and that includes family members. Im very selective as to who comes on my property, especially in my house. I work for everything i have, and dont need to build it or buy it again bc i let the wrong person on my land or in my house. If i have to have a repair person come to fix an appliance i cant fix, i hide all my potential valuables and even some stuff that may not be as valuable to me, but may seem like gold to others. Ill give the shirt off my back or my last few bills in my bank acct or a place to sleep/stay to some folks, but not many. Folks sitting in front of stores panhandling for donations for this or that, im extremely cautious about, especially folks claiming to be raising funds for the va. TO MANY scammers out nowadays and a lot of folks are sympathetic to soldiers causes, which makes them easy targets. I used to pull over and offer mech assistance or a ride somewhere, but you cant even do that without the fear of being car jacked or killed, even by women (with a male accomplice laying in wait) nowadays.
It is sad that the good folks out there cant get help, bc of the bad folks out there.

Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: Goose87 on April 26, 2016, 08:25:52 am
You are correct in your posts, BUT, i wouldnt say folks arent close anymore, just overly cautious. You dont know who you can trust anymore nowadays, and that includes family members. Im very selective as to who comes on my property, especially in my house. I work for everything i have, and dont need to build it or buy it again bc i let the wrong person on my land or in my house. If i have to have a repair person come to fix an appliance i cant fix, i hide all my potential valuables and even some stuff that may not be as valuable to me, but may seem like gold to others. Ill give the shirt off my back or my last few bills in my bank acct or a place to sleep/stay to some folks, but not many. Folks sitting in front of stores panhandling for donations for this or that, im extremely cautious about, especially folks claiming to be raising funds for the va. TO MANY scammers out nowadays and a lot of folks are sympathetic to soldiers causes, which makes them easy targets. I used to pull over and offer mech assistance or a ride somewhere, but you cant even do that without the fear of being car jacked or killed, even by women (with a male accomplice laying in wait) nowadays.
It is sad that the good folks out there cant get help, bc of the bad folks out there.

Your right Charles, I to am the type to pull over and help somebody broke down or with a flat tire but now a days you got to keep you and yours your number one priority, I'm VERY cautious about doing that, I get a kick outa pan handlers, I'll listen to their sob story and it's usually their family is around the corner in the car and they don't have money for food, one instance me and my wife were in Jackson Ms at a barrel race, after she ran we went to eat at Waffle House, a man came up and give me that speech, I told him to go get his family and come in and I'd buy all of them whatever they wanted off the menu, he kept saying naw man i just need 10$ I'll go to Burger King and get them some dollar hamburgers, after he got mad at me for not giving him my money I told him I had something for him and when he saw what i pulled outa the console he had a different outlook on the situation, another instance that I found funny I was headed to Texas one night and was filling my truck up, a guy came up saying his wife left him there blah blah blah, so I had a 5$ bill in my pocket, I give it to him and he sang my grace and left, well my truck didn't hold all that I'd payed for, so I went into the store to get my change and lo and behold there was mr sob story himself standing in line holding two tall boys, so I peel a security strip off of a souvenir and walk up to them guy and pat him on his shoulder and you'd think he'd seen a ghost when I told him your welcome, I then sat back and waited for the entertainment, when he started to leave you'd thought he hit the jack pot at the casino with all the buzzers and lights going off, well then two gas station workers cornered him up and was holding him until the police arrived, as I walked by him headed to my truck and hollered at him to have a beer on me. I sometimes have a cruel sense of humor.

Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: justincorbell on April 26, 2016, 09:21:10 am
You are correct in your posts, BUT, i wouldnt say folks arent close anymore, just overly cautious. You dont know who you can trust anymore nowadays, and that includes family members. Im very selective as to who comes on my property, especially in my house. I work for everything i have, and dont need to build it or buy it again bc i let the wrong person on my land or in my house. If i have to have a repair person come to fix an appliance i cant fix, i hide all my potential valuables and even some stuff that may not be as valuable to me, but may seem like gold to others. Ill give the shirt off my back or my last few bills in my bank acct or a place to sleep/stay to some folks, but not many. Folks sitting in front of stores panhandling for donations for this or that, im extremely cautious about, especially folks claiming to be raising funds for the va. TO MANY scammers out nowadays and a lot of folks are sympathetic to soldiers causes, which makes them easy targets. I used to pull over and offer mech assistance or a ride somewhere, but you cant even do that without the fear of being car jacked or killed, even by women (with a male accomplice laying in wait) nowadays.
It is sad that the good folks out there cant get help, bc of the bad folks out there.

Your right Charles, I to am the type to pull over and help somebody broke down or with a flat tire but now a days you got to keep you and yours your number one priority, I'm VERY cautious about doing that, I get a kick outa pan handlers, I'll listen to their sob story and it's usually their family is around the corner in the car and they don't have money for food, one instance me and my wife were in Jackson Ms at a barrel race, after she ran we went to eat at Waffle House, a man came up and give me that speech, I told him to go get his family and come in and I'd buy all of them whatever they wanted off the menu, he kept saying naw man i just need 10$ I'll go to Burger King and get them some dollar hamburgers, after he got mad at me for not giving him my money I told him I had something for him and when he saw what i pulled outa the console he had a different outlook on the situation, another instance that I found funny I was headed to Texas one night and was filling my truck up, a guy came up saying his wife left him there blah blah blah, so I had a 5$ bill in my pocket, I give it to him and he sang my grace and left, well my truck didn't hold all that I'd payed for, so I went into the store to get my change and lo and behold there was mr sob story himself standing in line holding two tall boys, so I peel a security strip off of a souvenir and walk up to them guy and pat him on his shoulder and you'd think he'd seen a ghost when I told him your welcome, I then sat back and waited for the entertainment, when he started to leave you'd thought he hit the jack pot at the casino with all the buzzers and lights going off, well then two gas station workers cornered him up and was holding him until the police arrived, as I walked by him headed to my truck and hollered at him to have a beer on me. I sometimes have a cruel sense of humor.

HAHAHA, thats awesome!

Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: liefalwepon on April 26, 2016, 09:58:36 am
That's some funny chit goose!!!

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Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: Black Streak on April 26, 2016, 10:59:46 am
That was pretty funny Goose.
      One of the many things I like doing for people is taking people fishing.  Those people that struggle to catch a lot of fish or have never caught big ones.      I won't let them pay for a thing and I don't accept $ from them.   I tell them I am sharing with them what the Lord has blessed me with and it is my way of giving back to the Lord.   If they want a 2nd trip, then they can split the cost of the 2nd trip. 
     I love doing the same for hunting and hog dogging but the land isn't mine and it's not very fair to the paying members of the leases so I don't make a habit it out of it like I do with taking people fishing.

Title: Re: Remember when
Post by: charles on April 26, 2016, 09:14:45 pm
give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. teach a man to fish and he can eat for a life time.