Title: AKC /UKC Plott Pups (sold) Post by: ldgray on September 03, 2016, 10:12:24 am Plott pups. AKC / UKC. Born 7-08-16. 8 weeks old and ready to go. Black with brindle, Chocolate with brindle, and one loud-colored brown brindle. 8 males and 2 females. 5 males and a female left. Both parents are high drive hog dogs out of White Deer Kennels. Dad is Dollins Hicks / Pocahontas bred; currently up north hunting bear. Puppies are healthy, solid and well-built. Good bone. Should be good dogs. wormed at 3, 5, and 7 weeks. First shots given. $400.00. text for pics and video. lesliedgray@yahoo.com. 361-510-2187
NOTE: ***** we will be at Village Mills Bay Pen for the East Tx Bay Competition in Kountze, Tx on Saturday Sept 10, with whatever puppies we have left....**** |