HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: gary roberson on September 07, 2016, 09:31:19 am

Title: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: gary roberson on September 07, 2016, 09:31:19 am
When I grew up near Devine, TX, the main store in town and the hub of everything was Loggins and Lilly's.  If they did not have it, you simply did not need it, hence their slogan was "Everything from a Ratskin to a Ranch".  This week I carry my hounds back to the home ranch and hunt the same woods and thickets that I grew up in.  I was hoping to tree a coon or bobcat in one of the historic old live oaks trees where I had done so as a boy and look around town and see the changes.  I hope that you will tune in if you get the chance.

Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: cgasch on September 07, 2016, 10:40:19 am
You kin to Russell?

Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: gary roberson on September 07, 2016, 02:47:32 pm
He is my Brother. 

Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: Pwilson_10 on September 07, 2016, 06:40:13 pm
Gary were at will u be hunting over there I got family all over that country and still live there there last names are peppers and millers and barrons

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Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: gary roberson on September 08, 2016, 11:53:23 am
When I grew up there, I knew everybody in town.  I knew some Millers and the Barrons lived at Black Creek where we ranched.  Now I go home and don't know a soul except kinfolks and a few that I went to school with.  I graduated at Devine in 1971 and Southwest Texas State in 1975 and went to work for the Federal Land Bank Association at Waco.  Other than going there for a visit with family, don't get there much...things have really changed there since I left.  As a boy, Devine had an identity and now it is pretty much a bedroom community for San Antonio.  I guess that is progress but doesn't mean I have to like it.

Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: Pwilson_10 on September 08, 2016, 08:48:24 pm
My dad knows ur dad  Russell and ur grandpa butch ur grandpa use to sell show hogs man what a small world and my aunt and uncle and grandma live right past yalls home place ya it makes my dad sick to go back to that town my grandpas name is Danny Miller and my uncles name is Wayne Miller they Cowboyed all over that country but they lived in pearsall tx they run hounds and cowdogs for ever

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Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: Pwilson_10 on September 08, 2016, 08:49:46 pm
I hunt that Barron place all the time my uncle is John Barron

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Title: Re: Ratskin to a Ranch
Post by: gary roberson on September 09, 2016, 03:27:26 pm
Butch was my Dad and Russell is my Brother.  I used to hunt all the country out there when I was a youngster.  None of the gates were locked and you went where the dogs went and no one cared.  Now most of the land is chopped up into 10-50 acre tracts and there is a house or trailer house on every one of them.  It is a little depressing to me to see what urban sprawl can do to the rural areas.  Won't be long before San Antonio reaches down to Pearsall, at least the strip along the interstate. 
As a boy you could hear hounds running in one direction or another, especially on the weekends.  Lots of guys that had dogs would come down from San Antonio and hunt in the Devine area.  Now the only dogs you hear are house dogs barking in every direction.