Title: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on October 14, 2009, 07:00:12 pm I am sorry to annoounce that we will not be having a baying on the 17th of October. The bay pen is just way to wet and it would not be safe for dogs or people. There is like 6 inches of slushy mud in the pen. What does everyone think about the October 31st? I know it's Halloween but wanted to see what everyones schedule was. I would hate for someone to miss out because it's Halloween. I would do it next weekend but I don't want to interfere with Mr. Littles baying in Mississippi or the TDHA meeting.
Ya'll give me some feed back and lets see if the majority can make it on the 31st. Thanks, Gilbert Thompson Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Dirtydog on October 14, 2009, 08:10:59 pm that sucks i took off work so i could make it this month so did the wife. she has never been and was looking forward to it. :(
can you pump it or add a load of dirt on top to build it up ? Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Baypenbubba on October 14, 2009, 08:59:08 pm Hey Gilbert Sand in the pen works pretty good for us ,but sounds like it may be to wet to fool with. as far as setting a new date you are doing the right thing asking for everyones advice. just let us know and we will try to be there.
Reggie Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: HogzgoneWild on October 14, 2009, 09:23:02 pm Dang, I prolly couldn't make the 31st, you know kids and the tricker-treating thing. Keep me updated Gilbert I'll do what I can to make it whenever you re-scheduele it.
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Black&Yellow on October 14, 2009, 09:52:05 pm Gilbert,
I think it is a really bad idea. I took off for this saturday and now i cant come the 31st because i already requested off for the 17th. It really puts me and im sure everyone else in a bind. Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on October 14, 2009, 10:01:23 pm Sorry ya'll bout the canceling of the baying but we can not predict the weather, Hopefully by the 31st the good lord will bless us with some nice sunny weather, sorry again ya'll...W.D...........
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: HogzgoneWild on October 14, 2009, 10:03:08 pm Its all your fault WDK, you shudda never brought those wormy dogs to Bremond >:(......... They tried to wash them away with the rain but it didn't work ;D
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Dirtydog on October 14, 2009, 10:32:37 pm so do you not hunt in the mud ? my dogs do ... :o i know its for the best but WHATEVER. ill just go huntin. thats what my dogs do anyway. i just would have been donating $ anyway because my jagds wanna catch them slow fat hogs standin there.
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: mex on October 14, 2009, 10:38:08 pm Man we took of as well,but since I have been understand his land is gonna be torn up if someone gets stuck.Gilbert I also cant make Halloween not that I run dogs just wanna hang out so my 2c.
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: HogzgoneWild on October 14, 2009, 10:44:19 pm I'm sure we all may have our lil quirks about the cancellation but a family oriented baypen thats muddy everywhere isn't as fun as hunting and catching a hog in a wallow. If Gilbert decided to cancel I believe he had a good reason, I'm sure its beyond operation in and outside the pen , not to mention the folks working the shoots, would make it very hard on them. After all my sons baseball game was cancelled due to the muddy field, and as much fun as the kids would have its still safety first, and I'm not gonna point the blame at the league, after all can't control the weather... My two cents.
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Black&Yellow on October 14, 2009, 11:15:03 pm Everyone and Gilbert Im sorry for posting what i posted about putting everyone in a bind. It is the right idea to look out for the dogs and people and to not get them hurt. Gilbert you did do the right thing by rescheduling it. I understand now and it just rubbed me the wrong way and I am really sorry for upsetting you Gilbert. I am lookin forward to seeing you all at the 31st bay.
Andrew Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on October 15, 2009, 12:59:39 am No problem! I understand everyones disappointment. We are dissapointed as well! It's just one of those things that cannot be helped. I will not sacrifice someone or someones dog to have a baying. I just won't do it. I know I wouldn't want to bay in a pen where my dog(s) were knee deep in mud. That hog can move a lot better in it than they can. My son weighs 125 ponuds soaking wet and it goes almost to his knees. I'm not interested in the money and never have been. I do this for myself and others that love the sport. If I was in it for the money I would have done something else. To me it's not worth getting my friends and their dogs hurt. What kind of impression would that leave on a kid or someones significate other that their spouse, kid or dog got bad hurt or killed because I didn't have enough sense to call the baying off. I am all for getting after them hogs however, in this case senario I think it would be just plain stupid. We are looking at setting something up as a back up in case this ever happens again. Thanks for everyones input and honesty. It is thru those negatives and positives that we are better able to fix things and appease as many folks as we can. We are sure sorry that this put some of you in a bind.
Hope everyone understands and we look forward to seeing ya'll on the 31st. Thanks, Gilbert Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: bparkerson on October 15, 2009, 03:46:34 pm Good call Gilbert ;)
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Bar M on October 15, 2009, 06:38:45 pm Gilbert..
We will be seeing yall the 31st and everyone else that can make it. Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Dexter on October 17, 2009, 03:15:40 pm are yall gonna have some candy ;D
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: Spencer on October 17, 2009, 11:29:09 pm are yall gonna have some candy ;D What about a costume contest? We all know that Hosea will be the scariest looking, costume or not! LOL :o Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on October 18, 2009, 12:14:56 am Yes Justin is going to win the costume contest. He is coming in a bib and will have a pasifier in his mouth:))))) ;D Thanks for the support Katie we look forward to seeing everyone.
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: HogzgoneWild on October 18, 2009, 12:21:39 am Thats good stuff guys :D, oh and I guess make it on the 31st, may have to leave earlier than normal, but will see yall there!!
Title: Re: T-N-T Baying cancelled for Oct 17th (Weather) new date!! Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on October 18, 2009, 12:43:18 am It will be over in enough time for everyone to go tricker treating. I would never miss out some free candy ;D Don't beleive me?? Just look at me ;) ;)