Title: 7th Annual Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Feb 3 - Feb 5, 2017 Post by: BoarsofTexas.com on October 24, 2016, 08:08:42 pm 2017 Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition
Hunt Anywhere in Texas February 3 - February 5, 2017 Weigh-in location: Caldwell, TX Live Hog Competition $20,000 in Guaranteed Payouts First Place Buckles Entire Set of Wild Boar USA Cut Gear Free Hunter Raffle at the Weigh-in $500 entry per team (1-4 members) Heaviest Five Hogs Win Side Pots are Included: Largest Boar, Largest Sow, Longest Stringer Registration/Payment must be completed/received prior to start of hunt A map to the event, the competition entry form, and the rules can be obtained by: Visiting www.BoarsofTexas.com Emailing BoarsofTexas@yahoo.com Going by Homeyer Feed in Caldwell, TX, your local Victor dealer. For any additional questions, send an email to BoarsofTexas@yahoo.com or Call 979.255.0489 See you all at the hunt! (http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161025/02d0dcddeec255de5ea4c194c59e84e2.jpg) Title: Re: 7th Annual Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Feb 3 - Feb 5, 2017 Post by: BoarsofTexas.com on January 06, 2017, 08:47:49 am We are only about a month away from the start of this year's competition.
Reminder: If paying by check, make sure you have them in the mail soon. Deadline for payment by check is January 23, 2017. Other payment methods/registration due by no later than February 3rd, 5:00pm. See rules at BoarsofTexas.com for more info. Title: Re: 7th Annual Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Feb 3 - Feb 5, 2017 Post by: BoarsofTexas.com on January 15, 2017, 05:48:58 pm For a sneak peek at one of the 2017 1st place buckles, visit the Boars of Texas Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/BoarsofTexas
Title: Re: 7th Annual Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Feb 3 - Feb 5, 2017 Post by: BoarsofTexas.com on January 30, 2017, 10:30:58 am The hunt starts Friday, February 3rd at 5pm. Registration is available now through the start of the hunt. Visit BoarsofTexas.com and see the rules for more information.
Title: Re: 7th Annual Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Feb 3 - Feb 5, 2017 Post by: BoarsofTexas.com on February 01, 2017, 01:52:51 am For those of you who will be attending the Boars of Texas Hog Hunt weigh-in this Sunday, as either competitors or spectators, JC Cassens from Wild Boar USA will be there for all of your hunting supply needs, Will Smith will be there to freeze brand your dogs, and the Jennings Family will be on site to help keep you fed. For those of you competing, don't forget to show up and check in with me for your FREE Hunter Raffle Tickets. We will be drawing ten of you for free freeze branding, among all the other great prizes sponsored by Wild Boar USA, Double U Hunting Supply, Citizens State Bank, and Gun Dog Supply as well. Look forward to seeing everyone there.
Boars of Texas shirts and caps will be available at the weigh-in. Sizes from small to 3XL. Title: Re: 7th Annual Boars of Texas Hog Hunting Competition Feb 3 - Feb 5, 2017 Post by: BoarsofTexas.com on February 08, 2017, 04:14:14 pm Thanks to all of the participating parties who helped to make this hunt a success. The standings are now posted on www.BoarsofTexas.com.