Title: Trump Special; Nalc Reg. Catahoulas (GONE) Post by: wilton on November 09, 2016, 12:27:58 pm Nalc Reg. Catahoulas; fem. pup 10 wks. patchwork gray/white/tan/brown, wormed, weaned ready to go, asking $150. Also an adult fem. the dam of the pup, gray leopard 1 1/2 yrs. asking $200. Her sire and the pups grandsire is a proven bay and catch dog. located in Williamson Co./Lee Co. Tx. can text pics. best to call 512-567-6769, or email rcase2@austin.rr.com don't ck. much. Also willing to trade for guns, ammo, hunting/trapping gear. (Also will give more discount if they both go together)