HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: shawn on October 15, 2009, 03:19:49 pm

Title: Time for a repeat?
Post by: shawn on October 15, 2009, 03:19:49 pm
I took my 6 month old jagd terrier to a baypen about 3-4 weeks ago, he really didn't show much interest. I was thinking about taking him again, but I've also been told by some people to go ahead and hunt him and see what happens. Just curious what others think, should I try him in a pen again? Go ahead and try him in the woods? Or just wait till he's  a little older? He's about full grown, or pretty close I guess, he weighs 19 lbs. I definatetly dont want to cull him yet because of his age and jagds low cull rate.

Title: Re: Time for a repeat?
Post by: make-em-squeel on October 15, 2009, 03:50:28 pm
wait or tie him up outside of the pen until he turns on, if he doesnt dont let him in and try again next time tied up close so he can see other dogs work.

Title: Re: Time for a repeat?
Post by: KDB on October 15, 2009, 04:29:59 pm
I have a dog that wont tuch a hog in a pen but she will find one and bay in the woods

Title: Re: Time for a repeat?
Post by: Dirtydog on October 15, 2009, 05:47:59 pm
shawn, where you located ?  i would be glad to help you out...call me 512 627 7506  jason

Title: Re: Time for a repeat?
Post by: shawn on October 15, 2009, 08:58:41 pm
im in kilgore

Title: Re: Time for a repeat?
Post by: Cristina on October 16, 2009, 01:20:31 am

Shawn give him some more time. Also, we've had plenty dogs that would NOT bay a hog in a pen.
They just didn't like it. But everyone of them has found hogs and bayed them
In the woods. My bmc gyp Paloma did not and will not bay a hog in a pen, she acted
afraid of hogs in the pen, but we still took her to the woods and she proved us wrong. Give him some time
and take him hunting. I say don't always rely on a bay pen to tell you whether or not a dog is good
for hogs or not, I've seen dogs that can bay a hog beautifully in a pen but would not hunt even if their
life depended on it. Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Time for a repeat?
Post by: shawn on October 16, 2009, 04:55:46 am
yeah i have seen both sides too, starting to make me wonder if a baypen is even worth messing with sometimes.