Title: Fun weekend.(not really) Post by: slimpickins on October 19, 2009, 11:05:45 am Well, long story short, water well quits on satuday afternoon while I am at work.
Well man and his 2 boys show up sunday morning, can't get pulling unit over hole because of powerlines. Ben, me, and his 2 boys pull the entire thing by hand. :'( Yup, wires rubbed through, burning out pump. He happens to have one on the truck (how convenient)! rolleyes We attatch and lower, by hand again. Had water for Jo to do laundry by 2pm, only cost me $1,700 and some change and a 1/2days work. Jo has a few pics of this shiny new baby on her phone I'll get later. Title: Re: Fun weekend.(not really) Post by: Circle C on October 19, 2009, 11:35:42 am Water.... Something you don't think much about until you don't have any.
Glad it was just a bad pump...could have been a bad well. Title: Re: Fun weekend.(not really) Post by: slimpickins on October 19, 2009, 11:43:38 am Yea, no joke.
I bought this place almost 4 years ago and wondered about the well. I knew it was an old irrigation well and all the neighbors said it was a good one. The well man said it was a 16 inch case, my pump sits at 125 feet with approximately 30 feet of water above it. He said it was one of the best wells he had seen. We've been thinking about digging a catfish pond and I have wondered about keeping it full. He said I have plenty of water and room in that hole to sink a 1 hp for irrigation and a 2 inch line to keep the pond full. ;) Don't guess I'm ever gonna get that AR-10 I've been wanting. rolleyes |