Title: New AB pup Post by: Swine-Stalker on July 25, 2017, 09:56:06 am Got this pretty solid looking pup in the "mail" the other day. Looking forward to starting him. He's almost a yr old and 90'ish pounds. He made the trip from Pennsylvania to Louisiana. His name is Stakz
(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170725/9ebb3d75c91dd51afdd9fab568989fad.jpg) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: CutNShootHD on July 25, 2017, 01:25:15 pm Gorgeous dog!!! I really like his body structure!
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 25, 2017, 03:27:38 pm good lookin dog. whos the breeder and what line.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 25, 2017, 05:06:28 pm Gary, Jeff Beavers is the breeder. Bullhead kennels.
Mix of true grit, jel with splash of the kj stuff and kinghaven. Jeff has been doing his twist for quite a while as I'm sure you know. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 25, 2017, 05:12:31 pm http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/american_bulldog/dog.html?id=2636382-bullheads-mr-squeaks (http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/american_bulldog/dog.html?id=2636382-bullheads-mr-squeaks)
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Mike on July 25, 2017, 06:48:08 pm Good lookin' pup Cody!
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 25, 2017, 07:06:26 pm thanks obie. he sure has a nice athletic build. is that stuff controllable enough to get along with other dogs for huntin? not bein a smart azz, just curious.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 25, 2017, 08:54:49 pm I think it will be...
My pit/ab cross liked him as does her sister one of cody's dogs. My dog is a pretty good barometer, because the game dog blood has manifested more heavy in her and she pick up on the least bit of weirdness then it her I got to watch and she loved him the week he was here. They played and laid together. Cody got home today from work and two of his 4-5 month old pups was out of their pen on his property and doing fine so we know he ain't a puppy killer cause we are sure those pups went and investigated the new dog on the yard. We just gonna focus him on the task at hand soon here and hope to focus the drive he may have in a productive direction and try and keep him out of circumstances which could be a detriment to the development of bad habits while he matures and see if it goes well.... Jeffs dogs are specimens for sure and it's akin to using game bred pits which many folks have success with in catching hogs. I have seen it many times, so much so that I bred a litter of some crosses out of it which turned out as nice as catchdogs. I know you have seen seen the same thing a time or two lol. Anyway we just gonna do our best to 'turn him on' to the right quarry here soon and hope he is hog crazy and it sticks. I know it worked well with Brian's (inabs) dog crown, and Scott's old dog apollo. Which were out of similar lines. He matches well with my cross on the crown dog out of my kinghaven gyp as well. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 25, 2017, 09:19:35 pm Sorry I can't post pics because I deleted tapatalk cause I didn't like the format so these links the only way to post pics for me but they also tell the story better as far as lineage.
But, here is Brian's dog crown and I hunted with him a couple times and he did really well with the other dogs on the team in the 'big woods' http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/american_bulldog/dog.html?id=1298196-inmans-crown-royal-of-blocky-bulldogs (http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/american_bulldog/dog.html?id=1298196-inmans-crown-royal-of-blocky-bulldogs) And here are some of my offspring of of him and also game bred crosses which have proven well in the woods also so we have a bit of experience with it. http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/american_bulldog/dog.html?id=866557-manors-preachin-to-the-choir-of&p=progeny (http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/american_bulldog/dog.html?id=866557-manors-preachin-to-the-choir-of&p=progeny) Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 25, 2017, 11:01:23 pm cool stuff obie and thanks for sharin it. has the apbt stuff down from virgil shown to be human aggressive. i remember his owner(cant remember hi name) didnt trust him to let my daughter up to him as he said he could be real ill tempered. it also seems to me like his offspring were early to turn on also. so sounds like youve done a really good job makin woods catchdogs with the background of some of the blood.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 26, 2017, 07:19:46 am https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9MTsYbvHWkg (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9MTsYbvHWkg)
I can't speak on Virgil himself as I never saw him. But an ex hunting buddy of mine and cody's kept a yard of Bulldogs from various lines. And had a direct Virgil son as well as double and triple bred Virgil dogs and I can say they were the most laid back as far as human aggressiveness of all the game bred lines on his yard. On the cross I made, these gyps have never lit up on a person in any way. And we have been tote'n em round since under a year old. And man I can tell ya we always bring our kids with us and encourage the folks whose land we hunt to do so as well. These dogs have been hunted in close quarters with children and they are three yrs old now and have should to be nuthin but dependable and trustworthy with people of all ages. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 26, 2017, 02:52:41 pm thanks obie, shows ya alot about selection and then on training after the genetics. sounds like you have a good thing goin. i saw virgil at al joyes last aba show in va and at the time virgil was just a ch.. the guy who owned virgil was there sellin his mills,jennys etc and he also had a belly brother to alan sloans turbo with him. this was somewhere around 20 years ago.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: WayOutWest on July 26, 2017, 03:18:09 pm Was that the O. Stephany?
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 26, 2017, 03:55:57 pm Thanks for the compliment Gary, we gonna do our best and keep em in woods much as life allows.
How did turbo's brother look? How did turbo's brother look? From pics turbo was cool lookin, I know there was a bit of controversy around the dog and it's breeding. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 26, 2017, 06:24:28 pm joel, i was talkin about gamblers grnd ch virgil. obie ,you are welcome and if i remember right he looked about like turbo. the questionable stuff was behind turbos mom which al joye owned. to me turbo was one cool bulldog. great temperment, smoked the conformation ring, was awesome on bite work, etc etc. and the dog produced a ton of dogs that excelled at a lot of things in the ab world. and i think turbo had the best penn hip score of any ab for many years.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Reuben on July 26, 2017, 10:40:04 pm Swine-Stalker...that is one fine looking dog...I like them just like that...
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: bignasty on July 27, 2017, 06:46:40 am Interesting tail set on that
AB. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Swine-Stalker on July 27, 2017, 07:00:20 am He traveled for 3 days and was at 3 different homes in a week... introduced to 9 different people that I know of in a matter of days... I'd set my tail there too lol
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 27, 2017, 09:33:22 am lol.yea a trip like that on a ab that isnt a little pup can be offsetting to most of them. with the human aggresion and protectiveness built into most of the breed all the moving, new people, loss of original owner ,etc., an immature male ab can be rattled by this a bit. im sure this guy will recover just fine and be a nice dog. from past experience a tucked tail after the trip he went on and ending up with a stranger is much better than having him come out of the crate trying to eat you up. im lookin forward to seeing how this dog works out for you.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 27, 2017, 05:35:51 pm I feel the same way Gary.
I have been around many ABs over the years, from all dif lines. Which I'm this breed can be worlds apart. Enough to know that 1yr old can be a funky stage. Esp with the more protective lines and males. This dog, being bred on a good sized yard of dominate type dogs and being in the adolescent stage. And being comfortable on that Mountain in PA with very little socialization besides his human 'family' and not yet mature, Well, that's a big step for a young pup to be shipped for days in a crate. Plopped in a strange yard in the hot south with a strange guy (me) in a yard of strange dogs barking and some giving him the stink eye.... you all know how male curdogs and Bulldogs can be on the chain in their yard when a new male that isn't introduced And then, sent to another yard to start the process again in a week... That's a lot.... I have no doubt as a 8-12 wk old pup things would be easier or as a fully grown dog things could be dif (worse or better lol) But I give the dog benefit of the doubt on this one. I know Jeff breeds dogs with protective dominate type dogs. I have seen and owned dogs if this nature. They tend to think and try and figure out people and situations moreso than farm bred livestock type dogs and mature at a dif rate because of that but also can make fine animals once they know their position in the pack and life. Fact is the dog ain't bit nobody and that's a plus like Gary said....let's face it I have had to put down dogs that before a year old to 18mos were showing to be uncontrollable in my life. I know the health and tools this line has to offer and jeff want to see his dogs excell at something we both consider 'bulldog work' and we gonna try it out and see if the dog takes to it. I think he will, and will be hell on wheels when we flip that switch on and learn what is expected and when and where the switch is to be on off. Sorry for the long post Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 27, 2017, 05:38:29 pm I have seen this line work for others in varying degrees...
Members of this board would be Scott, underdog, INABs Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 27, 2017, 06:08:00 pm For those that don't know how to use the pedigree database link I posted, this dog also has Boudreaux's maverick stacked in his ped numerous times, so we expect that we may have to overcome some 'Gamey' (for lack of a better word)tendencies as he finds his way as well... but nothing folks already using game lines or any bulldog for that matter don't also police in an appropriate way for.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 27, 2017, 06:59:46 pm my old patches bitch was a good example of working around the nature of the beast with bulldogs. i always put her in the box with male dogs and none of the rat terriers( the little rats can be annoying) walkin and at the fight she was totally focused and showed zero dog aggresion. yet after i had sent her to ralph she ended up got loose on his yard and killed one of his favorite females in real short order. he said these two locked eyes on the day he got her from the airport and he had to never let em close to each other. and she went thru the whole yard of chained dogs to go get to the other female who was in a portable kennel. they knocked the kennel over and according to a neighbor in about 10 minutes patches was draggin around a dead bulldog. patches also was a dog someone else didnt want to walk up and slap either,lol. but she was perfect with me as i had her from 6 weeks old and watched her like a hawk and made sure she stayed on the path i wanted. ralph and his wife loved her but if i had sent her at around the age of the dog in this thread and did her how he was done she might have acted different to her new owners. ive had some bullldogs here( not ones i hunted with regularly that i wouldnt trust to put in most hands once they were grown but were fine here.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 27, 2017, 07:39:44 pm i remember patches was bred by kershner right and there is some question in whether she had some mayfield blood in her or not... not saying was or was not either way just that folks have questioned it. The dog in the first 'homewardbound' movie came from rod kershner didn't it? I think the one in the second movie 'chance' was bred by Lori haaker
Bulldogs, as has been said here before are and should be treated as a weapon accordingly. But some of the best dogs when afforded that opportunity thru training, understanding the dog, and an even steady hand of discipline. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Judge peel on July 28, 2017, 12:47:53 pm Nice dog fella
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 28, 2017, 06:41:34 pm obie, patches parents came from kershner and the only question on being mayfield blood in her was how much,lol. the dog used by kershner was mayfields braskin( inbred,linebred nigger and sunshine) i talked to cole little and rod kershner years ago but forgot exactly how much apbt blood was most likely behind patches. cole said rod used more apbt in some of his breedings than abs. kershner told me he would give me the correct pedigrees for a fee as he still owned the gabc then. as for the movie dogs, the dog used to play petey in the modern day little rascals came from kershner. symmes rattler of sure grip was the main dog used for close ups etc in homeward bound and i cant remember about hb2.rattler was under a year old if i remember right.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Semmes on July 28, 2017, 07:33:02 pm Yeah, I stand corrected, I remember it was symmes' rattler in the first movie but I think it was kershner's screamer in the second.
Never seen a full ab ( if there is such a thing)with that pattern before or since... Gary, I'm not on Facebook, Cody is and sends me stuff sometimes, I sure miss the days of message boards and relating to folks and hashing out subjects... guess it's just going by the wayside. Sure appreciate mike and this board where it's still possible. Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on July 31, 2017, 05:49:59 pm yes obie i really appreciate this board and the fact they tolerate me even though im in california. i also dont do facebook. i guess i should if for no other reason than to sell my old bulldog mazazines. i still get orders but not like if i had a site still or was on facebook. sad that those old magazines are the best written history source for the abs. casey couturrier and jim edwards both had so much great research and neither ended up writing their books. i know friends in germany etc were very gald their books didnt get written as germany would have used the books as legal evidence to apply their anti apbt bans to abs.
Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: Swine-Stalker on August 04, 2017, 02:04:03 pm He has done fully come around. Didn't take too long, as I'm a pretty likable guy haha. Just waiting on cooler weather to bring him to the pen
(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170804/fefcabcdbdb202db371a68b0da790686.jpg) (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170804/d096f3e4dd0b2c7d07fbb28801b4ff6a.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170804/63898d11cb79c7c1c4b09acf8a452810.jpg) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Title: Re: New AB pup Post by: gary fuller on August 04, 2017, 06:32:31 pm good deal and hope he makes a good one for you.