HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Teaspoon on September 03, 2017, 10:50:34 am

Title: Electronic Animal Immobilizer
Post by: Teaspoon on September 03, 2017, 10:50:34 am
I came across an ad for one of these. They were originally made for cattle, but now used for many types of animals. I watched several videos on youtube where it was used on cattle, horses, and hogs. One vendor makes a probe for large and small animals. Of the small animals dogs were listed. In the last month we had to sew up a few dogs ourselves and 2 had to go to the vet, but i think if i had an immobilizer i could have done a better job on the ones i did sew up and not have to bring the ones to the vet.

Google "electronic animal immobilizer" for videos and information. There are several manufactures varying from $300 to $800.

I guess this is my question is, has anybody used an immobilizer on a dog or any other animal? if so, does it work? And do y'all think it is worth it....(I know my vet bill is going to be that....)