HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Circle C on October 22, 2009, 02:55:10 pm

Title: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Circle C on October 22, 2009, 02:55:10 pm
I received this message asking my advice last week...I have not been able to come up with a good solution to the problem, so I thought I would ask y'all.  What would you do in this situation?

I sold a dog to a guy thats on the site. Sold it over two months ago. Guy told me he wanted the dog two weeks later. Sent him my address. Never got a check after 2 weeks so i sent him another message. He told me that he got in alot of bills from a back injury. I told him that I understand that but not to forget about the money he owes me. That was 1.5 mth ago. I have sent two messages to him. He has been on the site just about every day but hasnt responded to the last two messages. Nothing nasty in the message just  a message asking how the dog was doing and if he has been catching any hogs. When should I get the red ass? I am almost there at this point.

Your thoughts?

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Tom45 on October 22, 2009, 02:57:56 pm
Go get the dog, you have been nice enough. If a man is not going to keep up his part of the sale go get your dog. Just my thoughts

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: trey brown on October 22, 2009, 03:00:56 pm
i would go get the dog. i have had that happen to me and  had to have the sheriff department there

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: setexasplott on October 22, 2009, 03:02:55 pm
i always get the money up front it stops problems like that i can hold the money but someone else in my opinion can not i would go and politely get the dog back . and i would have had the flamin red a$$ 2 weeks ago

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on October 22, 2009, 03:03:39 pm
Go get the dog, you have been nice enough. If a man is not going to keep up his part of the sale go get your dog. Just my thoughts
Until the dollars exchange hands the dog still belongs to the original owner! Also I have a uncle who has a back injury over a year old and he still moans and groans in pain to get up or sit down so I would have to think the buyer isn't gonna be using the dog any time soon. If buyer is a friend I might be a little more chill on the deal but if it was a person who I had no previous knowledge of the dog would be at my house after the 2 week trial was over.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: trey brown on October 22, 2009, 03:07:23 pm
know im cash upfront. the guy that had the dog of mine i hunted with for 3 years until that happen

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Lockedon on October 22, 2009, 03:09:07 pm
Time to get your dog back.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: txmaverick on October 22, 2009, 03:56:12 pm
No dog leaves me without payment in full unless it is a very VERY good friend.
You are nicer than I would be at this point.
Who ever you are "man up" and take care of this or give the man's dog back. (TAKE THE DOG BACK TO HIM DONT MAKE HIM PICK IT UP)

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Marshall on October 22, 2009, 04:22:36 pm
No dog leaves me without payment in full unless it is a very VERY good friend.
You are nicer than I would be at this point.
Who ever you are "man up" and take care of this or give the man's dog back. (TAKE THE DOG BACK TO HIM DONT MAKE HIM PICK IT UP)

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: pig snatcher on October 22, 2009, 04:59:50 pm
I would politely go get my dog back and not have any further dealings with this person.

I wouldnt let anything leave my house without cash in hand, it is easy to hold money for the trial period but hard to get it out of someone.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: nosightsneeded on October 22, 2009, 05:08:50 pm
I would call him and say Iam coming to your house and leaving either with my money or my dog.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Dexter on October 22, 2009, 05:17:05 pm
 thats what i am tallking about  Donald  but then you have to find the  (rat dog that doesnt have a daddy)  :o see admin i am keeping it nice
 theres more than one of these two face no honor folks  here or as ill callm ""counterfit""

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Scott on October 22, 2009, 05:28:39 pm
You've been patient enough...he's not answering e-mails....go get your dog.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Dexter on October 22, 2009, 05:32:59 pm
 got me thnking what would Judge Alex  do

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: txmaverick on October 22, 2009, 06:52:06 pm
lonewolf that is why I dont offer 2 week trials, you either buy the dog or not, course i dont sell many dogs that way but i dont care to........if the dog leaves my person he is bought and paid for no exceptions expect again for very VERY close friends.

For those that need a 2 week trial I would suggest training your own dogs so you dont have to go thru these problems.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: shawn on October 22, 2009, 07:17:49 pm
time to get the red ass... >:D

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Cutter on October 22, 2009, 07:54:39 pm
get the red ass...... I WOULDGO GET MY DOG BACK.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: HogzgoneWild on October 22, 2009, 08:08:49 pm
I agree with the majority, time to get that dog back and let the politeness end if needed.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Yeller on October 22, 2009, 09:41:14 pm
In my opinion since you were lenient and allowed him a grace period he should at least show you the common courtesy of answering your message I would'nt hesitate to repossess your dog

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: raider54 on October 22, 2009, 09:50:30 pm
This is simple, call the local sheriff and ask them to accompany you in the recovery of your dog, if they decline then you file a criminal complaint, they will have to investigate it. dont wait any longer, if the guy is this hard up he may sell your dog!

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: make-em-squeel on October 22, 2009, 10:39:37 pm
With all respect to raider, I knew a prick named cris in greenville who moved to decature who stiffed barm on here and when barm came to get his dog he said no and called the cops, when the cops got there they said posession is 99% of the law so he cant take the dog back and it was a civil matter, so he would have to go to court etc..  >:D

cris moved shortly after a few old hunters found out where he lived and that was probably good for him and his family I wasnt personally getting in the middle of it but it would have been bad!  :'(

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: raider54 on October 22, 2009, 10:58:41 pm
With all respect to raider, I knew a prick named cris in greenville who moved to decature who stiffed barm on here and when barm came to get his dog he said no and called the cops, when the cops got there they said posession is 99% of the law so he cant take the dog back and it was a civil matter, so he would have to go to court etc..  >:D

cris moved shortly after a few old hunters found out where he lived and that was probably good for him and his family I wasnt personally getting in the middle of it but it would have been bad!  :'(

Grant I believe BarM should have made the first move toward the sheriff, you cant just show up at someones house and confront them you will loose that arguement every time

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: craig on October 23, 2009, 02:27:12 pm
i think the person who has the dog should be a MAN and return the dog to the owner, dont make the guy come looking for you. he was nice enough to give you a trial with no money up front.
if you dont return the dog you will be marked as a sorry SOB from here foward and you will pay cash up front from now on..

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: slimpickins on October 23, 2009, 02:46:55 pm
I'd make sure he has been on the site and seen this thread......
Call him out, not by name yet, but give him a date and time, at which point you will reveal his identity for the public to know.
Sure, sometimes bad stuff happens, and that is understable, but sounds like you have been way to lenient.

I just hope there is not other members on here that are going through the same thing with the guy. :-\

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Caney Creek Hog Doggers on October 23, 2009, 04:41:25 pm
well this is going to be a hard one, I'm no expert but have dealt with the law on this kinda stuff before. you can go get the dog but be careful it his land and he has his rights to do what he wants. If the law gets involved you will have to prove its your dog, he can easily say its his. If you have pictures with the dog it can still be tough. It would of been best to at least get something in writing saying you let him have a trial on your dog but without some sort of identification or paperwork I think it will be tough unless he says he doesn't have the money and just gives it back to you without any further words, good luck hope you get it worked out!!

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: stoked on October 24, 2009, 12:10:43 am
i think it's very simple.

you've been nice, the guy hasn't paid, and now it's time to go claim what is already yours.

no money=no dog.....

I would get the dog before something happens to him.

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Bryant on October 26, 2009, 10:43:43 am
Was this resolved?

Title: Re: A dog sale question for the populous
Post by: Circle C on October 26, 2009, 11:00:25 am
Was this resolved?

I don't know if it has been resolved or not. I was asked in  pm what advice I might have, and I really did not know how to answer it, so I posted the question here.   

If I hear about a resolution, I will post it.