Title: Hog and dog trailer for sale Post by: Cooper78 on March 21, 2020, 05:16:44 pm I have a hog and dog trailer for sale, it has 4 compartments in the front for dogs and the back half to haul hogs. That part is divided into two compartments. The smaller side has one guetillene gate, the larger side one guetillene gate and one larger swing gate for larger hogs. The middle divider also slides to turn into a squeeze chute, to doctor hogs, etc. It can hold from 4 to 8 dogs. Please call or text for more info, thanks!
Click on the links below to see the pictures. A file has been shared via Link sharing: https://s.amsu.ng/UezABTL5iYdN (expires: Mar 22, 2020) |