HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Cajun on February 08, 2022, 06:15:05 am

Title: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: Cajun on February 08, 2022, 06:15:05 am
Forgot to post this hunt. There are not near as many hogs in the marsh this year. I believe the last 2 years with Hurricanes hitting the area have just pushed the hogs to higher ground and they have not dispersed back to the marsh. There are a lot of hogs up against the highway but I will not turn my dogs loose there. On the hunt Larry Smith, Charlie Gaines, Craig Hartzod. (https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220208/cddbb13104b600e232ce754c02d0eaeb.jpg)

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Title: Re: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: l.h.cracker on February 08, 2022, 06:34:11 am
Cajun yall see many casualties from the surge afterwards?I always wondered how the wildlife escapes the flood.

Title: Re: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: t-dog on February 08, 2022, 07:08:30 am
I wondered that myself Cracker. Cajun, those to hogs have some of the worst type teeth to me. It seems like the dogs I’ve had wrecked the worst were by hogs just like those two.

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Title: Re: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: Cajun on February 08, 2022, 08:20:49 am
Cracker, I am convinced of two things. If any kind of catastrophe hits, there are two species that will survive. Wild hogs and Cock roaches. When Katrina hit they had a 25 ft. surge of water that went thru st. Barnard parish. 2 weeks later a buddy of mine called me to bring the dogs that there were hogs everywhere. His camp was swept away leaving just the slab. You could see a lot of camps that were swept off there foundations that were 500 yards and more that went down in the marsh.Anyway hogs survived. They will climb on floating debris, get in trees, whatever. I do think the storm will help disperse hogs in different areas as the hogs swim to different areas.  I talked to a shrimp boat Captain who tried to ride it out in his shrimp boat. he tried to keep the bow to the waves and finally had to cut the boat loose. He drifted awhile and got hung up. when the water went down the boat was on dry ground and he was hung up on a powerline wire. He told me he saw all kind of animals packed on floating debris, alligators, hogs, coon, nutria. They might loose some young pigs but the majority of hogs will make it.
  T dog, yes those kind of tusk will sure cut a dog up. One those hogs are usually smaller and faster then bigger hogs and my stupid dogs think they can manhandle them and they get busted up. That being said, I think the real dog killers are hogs with 2-3" tusks. when they stick a dog they usually puncture into the chest cavity. I have had far mor dogs killed by bigger tusk hogs then the smaller tusk.
  I have 6 dogs right now on injured reserve. A couple were serious and the rest was mostly a lot of gashes but not life threatening.

Title: Re: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: l.h.cracker on February 08, 2022, 06:25:12 pm
Cajun I was there as soon as the wind subsided for Katrina it was the most terrible devastation I have ever witnessed to this day if hogs were back in the marsh and swamps 2 weeks after that they can survive anything.

Title: Re: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: t-dog on February 08, 2022, 08:54:32 pm
We hunted by a lake over around Mexia,Tx once and there had been a lot of rain prior to that. All the creeks and tributaries were out of banks that fed into it. We got after a hog that crossed some back water. Naturally there were trees and brush sticking up out of it and drift wood that had hung up on a lot of it. Anyway a couple of our dogs tried to follow and ended up having to crawl up on some of that drift wood. I don’t know if they drowned the hog or if he out swam them, I would bet that he out swam them. The old man that lived on the hill there let us borrow a flat bottom boat to paddle out and get them. He told us from the waters edge right in front of his place to the point directly across the lake was exactly 1 mile. He said on several occasions him and his wife watched while sounders swim from point to point like it was nothing.

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Title: Re: 2/3/22 Hunt.
Post by: RBz_OFFROAD on February 09, 2022, 07:05:11 am
Good haul Cajun