HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Hollowpoint on March 09, 2022, 11:30:30 am

Title: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Hollowpoint on March 09, 2022, 11:30:30 am
I hung this camera a few months ago in a narrow travel corridor where I saw some trees that were marked by a bear. I didn't get any bear pics, but I got just about everything else.


Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Cajun on March 10, 2022, 08:25:21 am
  Pretty cool. Are you in California?

Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Hollowpoint on March 10, 2022, 10:43:50 am
Yes, that footage was taken in Los Angeles county. I had another video of the mt lion, he came through again about a month later but I accidentally deleted that file. He scratched and marked that spot right in front of the trail cam.

Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Cajun on March 10, 2022, 06:26:36 pm
  It's a shame you can no longer run bear, Mtn. Lion and Bobcats. With a population of close to 35.000 bear, y'all are second only to Alaska.  Have they put any restrictions on Hog hunting with dogs?  It's a shame with all the game throughout the state that the liberals from the cities can outvote the majority of the sportsmen. Hate to say it but it will probably get to all of us before long.

Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Hollowpoint on March 10, 2022, 09:52:23 pm
Cajun, if I remember right, the only legal game we can run other than birds is fox, coon and hogs. When I first moved back here 20 years ago, we could run bear and bobcats with hounds/dogs. It's a wonder there are any deer left in this state with all the predators being protected, I guess the liberals are going to have to figure out which animals are cute enough to get their protection. It's a total clown world.

Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Rough curs on March 15, 2022, 09:57:08 pm
We can run deer and yokes also. Grey fox ,coon,hogs and there's really nothing on going to ground in the regulation.  Cajun the last year I ran hounds treed 37 bear in 1 canyon. We took 17 of which 12 or 13 where over 300#. Tried 7 lion that last year also same canyon.  Used to be a winter grounds for our deer ,your lucky to see deer number 2. But what you do see is tons of number 2 with deer hair in it. This state is by far the most ass backward state . Sheep population is declining due to lions also. Those are big revenue so they cull lions in the darkness.  I could tell alot more of what these crooked state employees do but  I don't have my medical handy lol.

Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: TheRednose on March 16, 2022, 10:45:17 am
We can run deer and yokes also.

Monte I might be wrong but if I remember right you can only use one dog per hunter for deer, but like I said I might be remembering that wrong. I think a game warden told me they did that so people could use dogs to blood track without any issues.

Title: Re: Trail Cam footage
Post by: Rough curs on March 17, 2022, 12:59:24 am
Rednose yes running deer is legal during the general season 1 dog per tag.