Title: Slimey eyes Post by: NThoghunter on April 18, 2008, 06:38:50 pm I have a bmc at home that gets the "green slime" everyday. Sometimes it gets matted on there pretty bad. I clean her eyes out everyday, terramycin(?) seems to help also. But I was curious why they continue to matt up, ointment gets expensive. Anyone have a theory as to why they are doing it, and possible cure? Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Slimey eyes Post by: Clay on April 19, 2008, 09:59:57 am Well my lab has allergies that cause his eyes to drain but its not green. just wet all the time
Title: Re: Slimey eyes Post by: texasgirl on April 20, 2008, 08:10:32 am Do her eyes ever seem red or sensitive?
"Dry eye" is not uncommon. It can be diagnosed with a tear test at the doctors office and is usually treated with a prescription oil. You can safely use plain mineral oil, a few drops in each eye several times a day. If it seems to help then she may just have dry eyes. That might explain why the Terramycin helps but never "cures" anything. If that doesn't help after a few days you may see about getting some oral antibiotics, the green color may be a sign of infection. Title: Re: Slimey eyes Post by: NThoghunter on April 20, 2008, 05:15:34 pm Thanks for the info. I will definately try it out.