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1  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Gordon BENEFIT tournament. on: March 06, 2014, 06:29:50 am
Partly correct Clolt.
1st was from south of Stepheville
2nd was east Tx
Boar was here locally. 

This year had nothing to hide !
The polygraph contact is posted all over it so anyone that's in question please contact Mrs Williams.

2  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Gordon BENEFIT tournament. on: March 05, 2014, 04:29:23 pm
Last year I hosted the 1st Gordon tournament.  Had a guy on this board step up and help with the rules ect. Even half arse stood up for the hunt when the crap hit the fan.
I had never been a part of any dog tournaments.  Lots of varmint tournaments.
He said "tell them poly will be there to keep them honest but don't worry about it"

Well I had lots of folks say they was coming to sign in.  I took that as "hey I'm there 100%"

I can highly understand last years folks that got upset.  Received proper feed back from some and some that was just jaw jacking. 

This year I thought I had it all figured out.   Arranged for polygraph with Sissy Williams.  Scheduled with her in sept/oct. confirmed in January and double confirmed with her a week prior.  At 1130am Sunday she called saying she wasn't gonna make cause it was starting to ice.  Had a bunch of great sponsors and a couple vendors come set up.
Only had 10 teams enter. Understandable after last years screw up.

Had a local man that I thought was a start to a decent friendship.  His wife is a teacher at Gordon school.
To help him out saving time I fronted the entry for him. We agreed at all cost he would be a weigh-in even if it was just to pay me.   Had he not shown up I personally would have been out entry and 1 side pot.
He did just like he said. He got there and paid me.  When he stepped out if the truck. Weighed his hog, it was a big boar.
Got everybody weighed in and I was counting and splitting up money.
Main entry was 50% pay out with 50% going to the livestock booster club. Side pots paid 100%.
So It took a bit to get everything separated out.

Had it separated winners all laid out when I realized the big boar side pot winner didn't have all 3 members. Called him into a private room and asked about the members.  He was 1 short. I let them go to the website and double check the rules.  Had to disqualify him.  NOT because myself or anyone else thought he was lying or cheating. For the simple fact that he didn't have all his members present like the rules state.
Another rule states all hogs must remain edible even if that requires Icing them down holding them live until you pull out for weigh-in.  His hog was more than questionable on the edible side.   To the point I was gagging over the rancid smell.

He said it was wrong that I disqualified him when the polygraph couldn't make it cause of the weather.  I asked him if he would like to take the hunters and get a vote. He said yes so we did.  Called a doggers meeting I explained and the local man explained.  His fellow hunters said rules are rules. I stuck out my hand, he walked off but his partner shook my hand and left.

Team 4R CUT GEAR got to weigh-in got out of the truck, shook my hand and said hey I know we are disqualified ! One of my helpers went home. 

10 entries, 6 showed up to weigh in and 2 of those was disqualified cause members didn't show up to weigh-in.

First place was roughly $700 plus 12-1500 in prizes.
Second was roughly 3-350 plus 750-900 in prizes.

Had 2 teams that took advantage of the 14 yrs and under free helpers. I have both set of kids collars, hobbles and leads.

3  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 11, 2013, 12:05:29 pm
What ever you think or feel man. I can't MAKE him call you !
But feel free to call and go to school. 

First was chanz Williamsons team
Second was Cory Bacons team
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 09, 2013, 12:09:25 pm
I've got your number but what is your name ?
And I will give him your contact info. 
5  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 09, 2013, 10:40:15 am
Like I told you Sunday. None of us thought it was needed.
So I did answer your bud. I will get Billy's # for you when I get home.

Just chill out and we come out and let's do some hunting !
6  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 09, 2013, 08:39:34 am
I wish he was from Gordon ! 
But actually lives in Carolton. He came out Saturday morning. I took him hunting in the rifle devision. Ill dig the number out and give it to ya
7  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 09, 2013, 08:22:43 am
Billy Cooper
Lexus IS350.
Parked on the south west corner of barn.

No he didn't just out for a couple hours. He was there Saturday as well.
He donated his service to the event.  He asked after weigh in if he needed to set up. Told him no don't worry about it.   
8  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 08, 2013, 09:50:27 pm
Yes sir there was, there again on my wording. Sorry. I meant it could be to use if we needed him to do so  !
Like I said, I'm sorry you feel the way you do. Maybe we come over it
9  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 08, 2013, 09:38:06 pm
Man if I can be of any help getting any of the names or address please let me know and ill get them bud. I don't have anything hide man. I thought it went well. Didn't realize all hells broke loose behind me.

I did pay 2 instead of only havering to pay 1. Wasn't trying to screw any body but I did. I screwed the first place by taking money and spreading it out over 2 instead of 1. I've already got their names and found numbers. Contacted Chantz and apologized to him for it. 

I apologize you won't be back but maybe in a few years you join one and come hunt some of my stuff or just for the heck of it.
Sorry that you feel that way about me  but hindsight is 20/20 and y'all helping us put it together better.
Praying it gets a ton better each year all the way around. From sponsers, the handlers, all the way down the hunters !
10  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 08, 2013, 09:26:36 pm
Jeff I never advertised paying 2 for 5 places. The flyer was 1 for 5.
I don't think I've said that in out txt. Ill go back and look and if so then I will buy all 4 of y'all each a new cut jacket from vender of choice. And I'll openly apologize and will showed if I messed up. But pretty certain I didn't.

Gotta clear my self taking money. There's receipts show every entry entrant and side pots. I knew some body would have said or asked about it.

I'm sorry if you felt when I said 18 committed meant paid. Guess they could go either way and chose my wording wrong. Idk how to put. Basically I should have said I've got X appoint paid spot.

Do you think I really had any idea I would only had 9. Man I was ready prize out atleast 5 but grouped only 4. Then at 101 pm Saturday I was like dang it why didn't they show after they said they was coming. I Was contacting everybody that I had contacts for and they yes they was coming.

 I'm not mad or upset over the feedback. It's just going help me better future events. I know you won't be back and I'm sorry for that.

11  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 08, 2013, 07:19:00 pm
Sorry Monty you also asked who. I gave all the paper work to Phillip. Can get the names but don't remember off hand.  Was a 4 man team. I think 2 of them was Dustin Kirkland, chance Witti and one guy they was calling D.L.  Like I said I can't remember but I'm pretty sure. The 4th man I couldn't even begin to remember. Lol.
12  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 08, 2013, 07:11:04 pm
Monty why didn't you and your team show back up to weigh in ?

The Polly was there but there was no need in it.
Wasn't nothing of any real size there. 1st & 2nd wasn't close &   3rd was beat bad. You can tell him to speak for his self rather than you being a crash dummy and running it for him.  Out of 52 hunters and only one mad and fussing I think it went awesome !  Maybe he would have been happy if I tested him just to put it to use.  Like I told you Saturday morning and everybody else that the POLLY WOULD BE ON LOCATION !! 

Thank you to those that showed up to hunt and support the kids ! 
It was great event !!  Lots of ppl won great raffles, auctions and the hunt itself !
13  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 02, 2013, 02:08:01 pm
Coady I haven't met him YET !  But he seems like a very stand up professional man !!
Have heard nothing but GOOD about him !¡!¡!

The person that wins that hunt will not be dissatisfied, I promise!
Why do you say that ?!?!
14  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 02, 2013, 09:06:09 am
Weather looks to be a little warm Saturday make sure you guys remember water for yourself and them dogs.

Yes sir good point !!   There WILL be water at check in if ANY body needs some for ANYTHING !!
15  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 02, 2013, 06:09:33 am
we plan on making it if i can get rid of this BRAZOS POISON OAK in time lol

Ouch. Domesboro over the counter will dry it fast. Or get you a mad pack from the dr.
I feel for ya bud
16  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 01, 2013, 07:53:20 am
Yeeee yeeee!!!! I can feel the tension!! Let's just catch some pigs.

Lmbo. I just want everyone to be on an equal playing field.
In the mean time I agree with you. LETS KILL SOME HOGS AND HAVE A GREAT TIME !!

Come to weigh in HUNGRY !!
17  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: April 01, 2013, 05:22:36 am
Made them both 1000 acre minimum ! That should have cleared any of it up. If not let me know your advise
18  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: March 30, 2013, 07:11:54 pm
Most high fences don't have precaught hogs do to the fact that a hog will bust holes in fences, dig under the fence and allow high dollar animals to get out. Monty just for you let's just say NO GAME FENCES UNDER 1000 acres. BOTH rules make perfect since. Monty like  one of your fellow hunters said "if there's nothing on paper saying we can't do it then we aren't breaking any rules".   
19  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: March 30, 2013, 10:46:23 am
Technically not.   There's a big difference in a game fence and a high fence.
Basically no hog pen pastures which would also be covered in another rule of no previously caught hogs !
20  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Gordon TX FFA tournament on: March 29, 2013, 03:07:11 pm
Coady I haven't met him YET !  But he seems like a very stand up professional man !!
Have heard nothing but GOOD about him !¡!¡!
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