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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 2 cat cross started dogs on: May 29, 2014, 07:54:53 pm
First is a 2 or so male cat/pit cross was
Training him 4 rcd. Has caugh a. Few in
The woods i havent put him in the pen.
Ive never. Heard him. Bark in the woods.
Next is. A intact. Female around 2 she is
Cat with some blackmouth but iiim not
Sure how much she looks like a cat
She has seen one hog in the pen and
Back a few time and the caught.
These dogs need to be hunted
And just dont have time im pretty
Much getting out. 150 each or 250 if u take
Both . 4056682603 txt is best due 2 work.
Email but dont check it.
Pick up in fort cobb,ok i will not travel far 2 meet.
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / gone on: January 18, 2014, 08:55:54 am
I have 1 male 3 females born oct.31 2013 1/2 catahoula
1/4 blkmouth 1/4 4056682603
Text is best becaus of work. Pick up ft.cobb ok
3  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / free on: December 31, 2013, 05:20:56 am
Half catahoula 1/4 blkmouth 1/4 pit 3 females
2 mounths old today out of hog dogs, black with
Tan, pick up ft.cobb ok 4056682603 email stphnkch@ but dont check.

Free come and gettem! Text is best due 2 work!
4  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / one free and a few cheap on: December 12, 2013, 07:00:35 pm
 I have 3 female pups born oct.31 13 they are half catahoula
1/4 blkmouth 1/4 pit for sale $25. Each. I also have a male catahoula
Blkmouth and hound cross i was told he had been hunted with older
Dogs idk i have never seen him on a hog . Im calling him unstarted he
Is free. Pick up only in ft.cobb ok 405 668 2603 text is best because i
Long hours. Email is but i dont use it i will make
Deal on the pups if u take all. Thanks
5  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / looking 2 trade on: October 03, 2013, 02:42:20 pm
I have a f&l tracking system with one collar
I would like to trade for a strike dog .
Something that will find a hog and stop it.
It doesnt have to be a burn up the woods
Dog trashy ,old, just started striking i don't
Care as long as it will strike one and bay it till
I can get the catch dog 2 it i dont wanna drive
Far so i would like it to b with in a2 hour drive
From ft.cobb ok. 4056682603  because of work text
Is best 4 me. Email but dont
Check it.i will sale the system 4 200. Obo
6  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / looking to trade for a rcd on: February 27, 2013, 01:38:34 pm
I have a 6 compartmet dogbox made out of 1inch tubing and expanded
Metal that fits a chey fullsize pick up or a fl-10 tracking system with one collar
That i would like to trade for a rcd or a really rough dog that will catch breed
Sex or age doesnt matter.i can only travel about a hour from ft.cobb ok. I also
Have 2 female dogs lightly started they have seen one hog and bayed in his face
1 blkmouth/cat cross and 1cat cross they both hunt short range. I just need a
Dog 2 run with my lead dog that will catch. My number is 14056682603.
Email but i dont check it . Text is best for me !hanks

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