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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / 2011 Rzr XP 900 on: April 20, 2013, 01:31:46 pm
I have a red 2011 Rzr XP 900 for sale
-171 hrs.
-1656 miles
-5 yr. Extended Warranty...goes through the end of 2015
-New set of 27" 900 XCT Tires
Buggie runs good...never been swamped of mud bogged...I used it riding trails and took it on a couple Mule Deer hunting trips
If interested call Carter

2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / AKC Airedales on: April 20, 2013, 01:10:34 pm
I have a litter of AKC Registered Airedale Terrier puppies for sale...2males left! Birthdate is Feb. 26th
The mother and father both come from 3 generations of AKC registrations. The mother comes from a showing background(Hunting Class).
The father comes from a working background(Cattle and Hunting).
Both parents are healthy and high performance dogs....
Puppies have been wormed and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sets of shots administered! All are very healthy and get into everything
Puppies are ready to find good homes.
The mother is a tall lanky bitch...she will weigh 85lbs. She is a hog dog and a good pet...she strikes, bays, and catches...very smart bitch and a very good hunter on her own!
The father is a working hog dog and is very stocky...he will weigh 80lbs...the owner uses him as a catch dog.
Both parents are very good looking dogs.
I now have 2 males left to sell...$850 a piece
I will provide the buyers with AKC applications for puppy registration.
Call Carter @ 830-334-1584
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