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HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: ***Lost 2 dogs-Brindle Bulldog&Black Plott***
on: June 05, 2014, 03:19:31 pm
I'll tell everyone one thing here. I've known marc since he started hunting and has been a stand up good guy to hunt with. He has always tried to keep the peace and make things fair and rite to the best of his ability. I hope that ole boys gets it stuck to him. Your one hell of a FRIEND marc!!!
Thanks Kyle! I was warned not to be getting on here and posting by a good friend of ours. He had an old houndsman tell him that it will kill this sport faster than anything. I learned real quick the internet hog hunting is about the worse thing for this sport that could have happened. And like all of you know it brings out all the peddlers and puppy mills. If you gotta post pics and give your 2 cents on every post on here there is definitely something missing in your life.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: ***Lost 2 dogs-Brindle Bulldog&Black Plott***
on: June 04, 2014, 03:40:00 pm
Hector Hernandez who lives in Deleon TX is the guy who called me and left the message saying he had the dog or dogs. He told a police friend that he found the collar and was making a prank call. Complete #2. He's supposedly a peddler around there. He knows we're on to him. I just want my dogs back before the teeth smashin begins.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / ***Lost 2 dogs-Brindle Bulldog&Black Plott***
on: June 03, 2014, 04:24:20 pm
Lost a brindle male bulldog and a black male plott Saturday night between Breckenridge and Strawn on Hwy 16. Both have collars with my nimber on them. Monday morning I got a call from 214-530-1893 saying he found a dog. I called back immediately and no answer. I texted him and he said wrong number. The guys name is Hector Hernandez and he wont explain why he called and left that message. Something fishy going on. Any help appreciated.  Here's a pic of the bulldog. I don't have one of the Plott but he's solid black and about 30-40lbs.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Trouble with the new alpha
on: November 16, 2013, 07:57:28 am
Only turns on when its plugged in...bunk batt?? Or just come to me defected....had been charging all night
fixitlouie via tapatalk via droid
Mine did the same. They sent me a new batt and no problems