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THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 14 month old parker gyp for sell or trade
on: August 27, 2013, 08:59:01 am
Sell or trade for deer rifle shes 14 months old baying her own and hunting out couple hundred yrds on her own will get gone with other dogs ...shes only been woods hunted 4-5 times caught couple hogs in front of her in pen shes turnin on more every time i run her .... im in a money bind so im open to trades that dont eat that i may be able to sell quicker ...... price is $500 ...started parkers this age going for $700 shes well started and will bay her own .... email is but dont check please call 3373775009
on: July 12, 2013, 09:59:44 pm
I use pougy meal , or sour corn ,or rice brand .... but im having problems with coons an old timer told me deisel or burnt motor oil will work as well
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Best place to buy cut gear??
on: June 23, 2013, 08:32:26 pm
| is what ive been using for couple of years the guys name is michael spehiler . he doesnt sell anything he hasnt tryed on his dogs or person yet and gurantee 99.9% cut proof i beleive . just go to website and call him hell be hunting prolly but will answer
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / acres for pups
on: June 20, 2013, 10:00:42 pm
Have couple acres fenced in with hog for pups 3 to 6'months i keep hog in trap to bark at . once 5/6 months old turn hog loose in pen to find and bay hog . Anyone have any diff ways or tips of raising successful pups ? lets hear it...
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: parker cur dogs
on: June 06, 2013, 07:50:45 pm
I wrk construction in the refineries and we are finishing up a unit were on was wrkng 5 days had weekends off now were wrkng 6/7 days for next 3 to 4 months so by the time i like to have my pups hunting in woods pen i have i cant do it and i also bought the pups with intentions to keep , hunt but i cant start them the way they should be handled and i have an older 11 month old parker shes finding hogs heard alot of good and alot of bad about parkers im not surely wanting any more dogs just looking into the background as for i live maybe 45 minutes from larry parker and when i do happen to get more dogs i may give the parker breed a chance for i like the gyp i have now but every dog is different ......
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: parker cur dogs
on: June 05, 2013, 09:02:04 pm
Nope not professional just know my dogs get a 4 month pup try to hunt with older dogs or get a 8 - 10 month old pup see which has better results. When your working 6 days a week and hunt on sundays no time to really wrk with 6 month and dwn pups like they should be wrkd you get a older dog that has bern workd a bit more its down hill just hunt the crud out of thrm theyll get better each hunt
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Biggest gripes about other hoghunters
on: June 05, 2013, 08:57:27 am
Justin i understand your gripes but theres time money patience all that is worth a buck now days .I dont mind paying more for tge pup if its all true what theyve done to the pups or dogs. like got them started or aggression broke or whatever progress i didnt have to gamble on a pup or dog that i didnt know for sure it would work out . Look at what your paying for abd how they bought the pups or dogs .Unstarted ,aggression , skinny wormy etc . Im not downing you but I used to do the same gripe about prices etc but it goes back to me previous post everyones getting into dogging for the money , reputation, and competition .
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Biggest gripes about other hoghunters
on: June 04, 2013, 02:26:48 pm
I hate fake people getting into hog dogging for the money or reputation .! What happen to the culture, food you need to feed your family? The herritage of hog dogging , or sport of it . Seems like everyone I talk to is competeing against each other . I promise if guys would swallow their pride stop competeing hunt together instead against each other theyd have a hell of a better time and catch more hogs .