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THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / finished catch dog 4 sale
on: February 16, 2010, 04:53:04 pm
250$ 2 1/2yr old male no human or dog agression was raised around small children will go to bay as longas he can hear it has been cut loose from 400 and made it there(was an accident) usually cut loose from 100 or less, 60#s, has good wind , only flaw would be he sometimes whines when u get close to bay , this dog is my brothers but he got him from me can send pics over phone either give him a call at 580 5496923 or me at 918906 8583 (dog is n SW ok)(u can ask Craig loftin about dog he seen him go once with me last yr. this is Clay mindemann )
on: February 03, 2010, 05:29:57 pm
got a 2yr old male good lookn stout as an ox 85# can send pics over fone hasnt seen a pig yet just a little to big for me 150$ or trade 9189068583 goin to sw ok this wknd
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: getn burned
on: January 29, 2010, 01:35:31 pm
take craigs advice I usually hunt that way most of the time only with 2 not so rough dogs, or came in from a totally different way for a different attack
on: January 28, 2010, 06:21:29 pm
looking for a finished or near finished hood dog breed dont matter must be silent and not ridiculsy rough posting for a friend call 15802152234 or post on here and Ill relay the message located in SW ok
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Biggest hogs you've ever caught?
on: January 08, 2010, 12:42:21 pm
1. july 4th wheat stuble next to slick hills 365 3 1/2inch teeth built like a supersized 200# fighter probaly from living in those rough ass hills, my cousin shot the hog 5yrs before we caught em nocked em down with 06 then got up and ran off found .30 caliber bullet in shield when caping 2 a month ago 331 on the scales fat as hell 2 inch teeth caught with to curs and one 50# pit couldnt even get the one med size larry paris hoble on correctly mostly pecan bottoms hayfields and some grain dont usually weigh anything these were just extrodinary in size and as someone else said I dont know what I would do with anything any bigger (both hogs were caught alive) im 6"3 230 fairly stout mybuddy is 5"10 250 and stout as a OX and his brother is 6"2 185 and stout and was a choir to get down ( sorry I talk so much)