That's funny stuff. Lady. But the remark was not a invitation it was suggestion to
Someone about their approach. As far as saying he would rather die than stop is not a suggestion of deadgame,
Many animals would die in their work curs included. Dead game is a term saved for animals in combat that had the chance
To stop the combat and yet still chose to continue with no regard for their lives. A animal that dies in a hunt is not deadgame,
.... but absolutely I am saying the line of dogs I have had the pleasure of feeding are the best I have ever seen
Game is one of the attributes they offer. You can attempt to be as smug as you like but I'm a vet in the dog world and
Dealing with people on the net. You can't say anything I haven't heard before. I find your pictures very amusing yet also unoriginal. Good luck in your search for sarcasm. But I would prefer just a simple suggestion to correct something you may
Think not a wise choice of words. Plus it would keep you from looking like a total ass.