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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Selling out on: June 20, 2016, 04:10:53 pm
1) Lacy is a brindle curr gyp will strike and is trash broke. Medium range. Walk or road hunt but is to impatient to hood hunt. $1000
2) Smoke is a big framed male YBMC. Strikes and is trash broke. Can be long range I have had him go up to a mile just looking for pigs. Does not bay only catches. Only time I've heard him bark was on a 200+ pig and it was just one bark then caught. $1000
3) Waylon is pit/Catahoula cross male will stay with other dogs. Will bay with a loose dog but anything kind of gritty he will lock on. $600
4) Ghost is a ybmc male rcd/cd will not bay. Hits like a bulldog. Will wind a little never had him strike by himself though. Stays closer range until the dogs are on something then will go to it. $500
5) 3 started in the pen dogs. Two are brother and sister blue lacys and one is YBMC female bigger frame. $250 a piece
6) Garmin astro 320 with 7 dc50 collars $1350
 All finished dogs come with their own cut gear. Will sell as a group for 4k.

 Text or call (830)391-3050 or email me at jlhogremoval@gmail.com. Located 30 minutes south of san Antonio tx in Floresville.
 I will also be traveling to Houston this weekend if anyone is interested in any of the dogs.
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Backyard dogo ***SOLD*** on: February 14, 2014, 04:36:43 pm
I have between a two and three year old female dogo. Lady bought it out of Louisiana for 1000 as a pup but due to a move into an apartment needs the dog sold. $400 it's never seen a pig. Located south of San Antonio, tx. 303-242-7960 or jlhogremoval@gmail.com. Can send a picture. ***SOLD***
3  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Black and Tan strike dog **SOLD** on: December 31, 2013, 01:43:40 pm
I have a year and a half old Black and Tan female strike dog. She hunts short to medium range. Bays close but not gritty. When bulldog catches she'll roll back out. Semi open on track and i have to many dogs is reason for sell. $200 located in floresville, tx. Can send picture through email or text. Jlhogremoval@gmail.com or (303)-242-7960. My name is Jimmy. Sold thank you.
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