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1  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: New Gear on the way Hairy Holder Plates. on: March 11, 2014, 12:03:04 pm
How does a person get ahold of these guys to check these vests out? I'm needing a new vest for a couple rough dogs....
2  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / 26 hogs in 6 hours on: February 21, 2014, 01:09:11 pm
Went out a couple Saturdays ago and it was our first hunt this year where we had a decent time window to run. Invited a couple buddies over and had a nice little pig roundup. Tied about half of the live and killed the rest. We had started in our first drop and caught three small to medium sows and are watching a couple dogs hunting out on Garmin when we see a big boar sneaking across praire into another set of woods.... So we take my Hank dog and Chizzle and set them on the track and wait a minute or two. 400 in we hear the sh** hit the fan and sounds like hank is catching which isn't smart on his part lol. So we haul but around and send two more baydogs to them and we kinda knew he was a real big hog so we got within a hundred or so yards and cut all four bulldogs. Hank and chizzle held him to within 50 yards of where they first bayed him up. And once all the bulldogs hit it was over. Poor hog just laid down and all the fight was over. Tied him and sold him alive(285 lbs) Hank had reopened a bad cut he was nursing so he went back in the box for the day.

Moved to the next area and dropped some fresh dogs and caught two more. 100-125 lbs.

Went to another spot that we had been anxious to hit and ran it pretty hard and didn't really hit much till the end and bayed up a big group.  Kinda had a circus for a while but ended up getting 9 caught outta that group.

Took a break and had lunch and let the dogs rest. Hit the next spot and was a bust so we had one more spot to hit. Split the dogs and went on both sides of a big wheat field. Dropped Hank since he looked like he wanted to run on three legs and him and chizzle struck and caught a 200 pound boar pretty quick. Shut him down in a canal full of water so it was a little tricky but we got him tied.

Worked the other side of the brush and hit a big group of pigs and had dogs scatter everywhere. Ended up tieing two 200 pound sows and a couple 125s and a bunch of 75-100 pounders.

Everything in the trailer was ran across scales. The big one was 285 and had three more hit 195-200. It was out best day yet.

I think we had 12 in the trailer that we kept alive.
3  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Awesome picture on: February 18, 2014, 04:09:57 pm
We vest all our rough dogs because I don't have a ton of money and extra strike dogs laying around so I try to protect them as best as I can. We've got one but grabber that doesn't wear a vest but he's never required a vest. Just our way of doing things I guess.
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Awesome picture on: February 18, 2014, 04:04:47 pm
Yeah the white dog is a strike dog but without the vest he'd be dead already. The video would show how those dogs work better than the pic.... It's just a snapshot of one particular moment in time. If I woulda posted a picture two seconds later 3 dogs woulda been on the ear and one on the nuts. The white dog had just got slung off like the bulldog and he'll usually bark a couple times then catch if hog tries to break.... He's not gonna catch just to catch.... Only of necessary to hold the hog from running. If that makes any sense?
5  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Awesome picture on: February 18, 2014, 03:02:53 pm
Ill post some pics of the dogs with a little more info tonight. We aren't real big on a specific purebred breed. All the dogs are crosses mostly catahoula. The pups we got our all old school cur dogs with some ear on them.  Our dogs are medium ranged but rough as hell. Some prolly wont like them but they consistently catch us pigs and they work hard. They will bay if its under control but if it tried to run or they decided to catch they are fully committed to catching. They will catch solo or in a pack it doesn't matter. And they have tried every hog so far. For young dogs they have plenty of scars. Our catch dogs are Pitts and one is half cat half pitt. 
6  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Awesome picture on: February 18, 2014, 02:04:51 pm
Hey guys I'm new to the forum. I've been on here lurking before and reading all the threads but have never posted. My name is Brandon Zahn and I'm from Wharton, Texas. My partner and I have five finished baydogs and four finished bulldogs and about 9 started pups. We kinda just started from scratch. We didn't have anybody give us anything. Just went out and bought a bunch of pups..... Culled and culled some more and are where we are today. I call our baydogs finished but they are still young. Strike dogs range from 10 months to 18 months, but they work for us and get the job done. We've managed to catch 73 so far this year with a dozen or so over 250 with the biggest being 285. I just wanted to share this pic we snapped of two of our baydogs and two bulldogs working/catching a big boar yesterday. If there's any interest I can share more info about our dogs and ourselves but for now here's the pic hope you guys enjoy.

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