Selling out due to lost places to hunt my loss your gain
5 year old catahoula gyp with find her own and will get rough with help short to medium range but will stay with one $200
1 year old Bmc walker cross male has found two on his own rough will catch a smaller hog short to medium range $100
8 month cat Bmc cross brindal male will bay a hog in the pen haven’t had a chance to hunt him $50
5 month airadale cat cross male has been show a shoat one time and barked at it for a while out of some proven dogs $25
4 month old lacy bmc cross gyp bay everything that moves on the yard $25
9 month cat cur cross gyp has seen one hog bayed it for a while $25
For pics call or text 9033886344 or (don’t ever check it )