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HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Hog dog questions.
on: May 31, 2016, 10:36:58 pm
Thanks folks. And as far as breed, do y'all think a Black and Tan/ foxhound mix would be a fine bay dog once trained? Reason I ask, is I don't want him to pick up on any cold trails and track trash
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Hog dog questions.
on: May 31, 2016, 05:07:34 pm
Hey y'all, just now getting into hog hunting. I live in North Carolina and went out with my father in a law a couple months ago, he runs 2 catahoulas and 2 pits, I have a Black and Tan mix who I would like to start training to bay. He just turned a year a few days ago. Took him over to my families property and let him go up to the hog pen to see if he had any interest, and sure enough we was howling and baying like he was born to do it. My questions would be, would this be an okay breed to use as a bay dog, and what's the best ways to avoid heatstroke for dogs. It gets pretty hot here and he's got a dark coat. Thanks y'all.