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1  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Barr, boar, and new hog trap on wheels on: June 17, 2012, 09:43:33 pm
Thank yall..

I just got it set for the first time yesterday..  I was worried a little about the foor too but I think they will go in it fine.. Its real sturdy.. boards are tite together.. When it sits on the ground there is no wobble.. Only time will tell I guess.. If it doest work I guess I will  have a good dog kennel on wheels..I will post some pics if I catch some..
2  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Barr, boar, and new hog trap on wheels on: June 17, 2012, 09:03:16 am
We caught this barr a couple weekends ago.. He had some nice teeth..

Caught this lil boar right after the rain the other day.  Was going to make a quick round before work.. Turned Lucile and Doc aloose and before I could get in the gate they had him bayed up.  Had him caught and loaded before 7 am..

This my new hog trap on wheels.. Gave my buddy some ideas and then he ran with it.. I think it came out way better than expected.. You can winch it down to the ground when you want to set it.. Also has a neck that you can rotate around or remove completly where no one will steal it.. Then when you catch some all you have to do is winch it up, jack the front up and roll out.. Its a one man trap.. No more having to have two or three people help you unload out the back of the truck.. Takes like 5 mins to set.. its 20x5 with a funnel end on one side and a door on the other.. This way you can open both ends and let em go in and out for a day or two.. Then when you want to set it just shut the one side and set the other..

3  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Solo hunt! on: June 04, 2012, 06:42:26 pm
Good Barr man!  That brair thicket looked nice and warm..
4  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Good Teeth!! on: March 19, 2012, 08:32:38 pm
Good job man.. really nice hogs!
5  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Ole spot on: March 16, 2012, 08:15:31 am
Thanks.. Not sure on his weight would of been over 2 though..  Tony I did neither I couldn't cut him with that color or sell him.. Got him on some sows for now
6  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Ole spot on: March 14, 2012, 10:36:48 pm
Well made a quick afternoon run yesterday with the puppies beside the house.. My cousin Jamie had 3 pups and I brought 1 and my old dog Emily just in case.. Well we did a great thing with pups and turned out right on top of 20 deer ha.. They all are pretty much broke off deer but need a little reminding every once in awhile.. All four pups had em one lined.. Well my pup Lucile and my cousins dog went across the highway..  I was shocking her the whole time but wasnt getting her for some reason..  We said forget it and kept on hunting this side of the road.. hunted for probally an hour of so with no results and no Lucile.. Jamie's dog finally came back from across the road but still no Lucile.. We decided to go to the road and see where she was.. We stopped and you could hear her baying across the road.. We have permission to that side too so we rolled over and turned the bulls aloose.. I wasnt happy that she chased a deer but it did lead to a hog.. I guess the saying held true that day  " run a deer on the way there and bay a hog the way back".. All kidding aside tho no more running deer for her or the rest of the pups..

My Uncle and Jamie

Dad trying to brush his teeth ha
7  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Daylight savings time hogs.... on: March 14, 2012, 08:44:39 am
Good job buddy.. Nothing like a quick hunt.. Tell Thelma to stop getting so gritty lol
8  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Caught 11 Saturday Night.. on: March 13, 2012, 10:20:04 pm
Very nice!
9  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Red listed Boar(pic heavy) on: March 02, 2012, 06:20:17 pm
Man I think it was split from my bulldog trying to catch him the time before.. I am not sure tho.. If it was notched then it would make sense why they didnt go ahead and cut him too.. keep him breeding
10  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Red listed Boar(pic heavy) on: March 02, 2012, 01:27:08 pm
Got the call to go back and try my hand at catching this big red boar again..  For two months they have been trying to catch him in traps or shoot him.. We had him caught and tied in ten minutes.. He was much of man weighed in at 320.. 

After catching the big red boar my cousin told me a hog had been rooting by the chicken houses.. We was able to get him caught right before dark.. weighed 175 boar hog

Caught this barr a couple days later along with a big sow..  The barr was soild and had some wicked sharp teeth..  Have been real lucky nothing got cut on these hogs..

11  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: 2/25 Hunt on: February 28, 2012, 04:58:26 pm
Had a great time hunting man.. Forgot to take pics since we had the camera rolling.. glad you were able to pull some pics out of the video though!
12  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Team No Yellow! on: February 21, 2012, 07:44:51 am
Thats a load of pork there.. Heck of a job guys..
When them Barrs rallyed up under you I thought you were going to turn into Travis from Old Yellar and start lowering the rope on em lol
13  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: 1/21 Hunt on: January 21, 2012, 09:47:50 pm
Had a great time today.. Glad Luke finally got him a hog roped.. he has been wanting to for awhile now..  couldn't of asked for a better hunt in my book!
14  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: 1/13 & 1/14 Hunts on: January 15, 2012, 09:49:29 am
I got some decent video I am going to try to get it editied and posted.. Had a great time and going have to hit it again soon..  I am going to start leaving a extra bulldog at the truck because it seems like after a long day we bay the big boy last when the other bull is give out..lol
15  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: End of the year Barr! on: January 13, 2012, 09:55:40 pm
Thank yall!  I am not sure if he weighed 400 but he was full grown.. I figured him in that 350 ish range but could be a lil bigger or smaller.. Shud have a weight on him b4 to long.. thanks again
16  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: The Crows on: January 12, 2012, 09:25:27 pm
Nice hunt man..
17  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / End of the year Barr! on: January 12, 2012, 09:20:38 pm
Was able to hunt a 650 acre high game fence where they have been feeding deer protein out of horse troughs for years.. They didnt know they had any hogs in there.. Well the foreman told me at lunch that he has seen 6 big ones in there.. I was thinking he dont know what big is.. well.. we wasnt telling a story.. Bayed this big barr right off the bat.. caught him after walking with my pitt, Lexi, for a couple 100 yards..Then caught a fat sow that went probally 240 or so.. she was in a bad swamp sorry no pics.. then dogs rolled out and bayed another grown man.. Big red listed boar hog had about 3.5 inchs on both sides.. Turned lexi aloose she hit and caught for a little while but I was coming straight on with him with no trees just thick regrowth yopon.. My only friend hunting with me that day finally showed up and tried to come around the back.. The boar heard him racked lexi off between yopons ran him over and bit him on the boot.. luckily he was hurt ha..  Lexi was beat so we went home got my other bull by now it was dark and he had got his strength back and broke was able to get all the dogs back..  Next time I go I will be more prepared and ole red will hopefully be coming back with me.  Ill be sure to post more pics if so..
I always like to get a good picture with the hogs hobbled but while we were catching the sow they had already loaded him..  He was solid from one end to the other..

18  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: 1-7-12 Hunt on: January 11, 2012, 01:17:03 pm
Nice Boar hog.. Like the vid too.. When Matt told me where yall were going I figured yall would have roped a few since there wasnt any corn.. Guess they weren't brave enough to bust across them big open pastures.
19  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Big toothed boar on: November 18, 2011, 12:21:02 pm
Thank yall!  Yea I believe Drew posted him on tbh.. Luckily ole bull locked on the broke off side and came out without a scratch.. Thanks again for the comments
20  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Big toothed boar on: November 16, 2011, 02:18:06 pm
Been seeing this boar's track behind the house the last year or so and I finally caught him.  Seen him by moonlight Friday night but decided to wait till after the weekend hoping he would still be there come Monday.. Well he was.. We snuck by moonlight with the wind in our favor and turned loose on him.  He crossed the feild and bayed up in a thicket.. Sent the catchs dogs in and it was over.. He has gave Jamie and I the  the run around a few times but this time he messed up.  He broke off his right side but had a heck of a left tooth.  Teeth normally dont grow that big around here.. Wish he had the other side mite of put him on the wall.  Pics dont do his body any justice he was short and thick all the way through. 

Drews in the Camo..I'am in the Normangee shirt

Looked like someone tried to shoot him but didnt make it through sheild

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