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1  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: 4 rounds in 6 days on: January 28, 2025, 07:57:59 pm
Showeee T-Dog that brindle gyp shore is a looker. Built how i like em. Sounds like y'all been hammerin on them. Keep it up
2  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Cast type dogs genetics or trained on: January 25, 2025, 08:25:11 pm
In my opinion it doesn't matter if its a dog, horse, cow, or rooster. The animal needs to be genetically predisposed to perform the task that they will be burdened with if you expect consistent results. Naturally there are freaks that are able to do tasks at a high level that the breed or line may not be intended for. But if it can't reproduce its self consistently, it isn't worth much in the long run. You don't see cutting horse trainers shopping for colts in Kentucky LOL. Sure handling or training play a big part in this as well, but it's more important to stay out of the animals way as it is to get in it. Ive never been able to beg one to hunt, not gunna try it again either  Grin
3  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: August 24, 2024, 04:11:25 pm
t-dog and Slim9797 sent y’all both a message but not sure they went thru. Let me know if they didn’t

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4  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: August 24, 2024, 09:08:45 am
And thank you. They suit me so far

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5  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: August 24, 2024, 09:08:19 am
t-dog, yes I believe so. To me the brindle dogs don’t have quite as much get there right now acceleration and speed out the box. Still plenty fast enough. They also seem to be bigger boned more durable dogs that don’t get hot and wound up as bad. I strictly use these on fields unless I lead one in, I don’t just cast them out in to the brush (yet). But if the pigs do beat them to the brushline, these seem to have more willingness to pursue and have caught some good boars that way.

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6  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: August 23, 2024, 05:30:03 pm
t-dog been meaning to update you on the Stag Pit X Wolfhound cross litter I just kept forgetting. They are a little over 2 yrs old now and of the 3 I ended up with 2 made dogs. The third was catching as well but didn’t make the cut for other reasons. This first picture is the male that I kept.

Second picture is of his uncle. A straight Stag Pit (full brother to the red dog in previous post that a friend gave me back). I still have and use this one today. I have a full litter mate sister to the first dog just can’t find a picture.

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7  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Where’s everyone from? on: August 23, 2024, 05:00:42 pm
Northwest Texas about an hour north of Abilene. Have a variety of terrain from open wheat fields and mesquite flats to river bottom and cedar break country. Don’t comment on here much but sure enjoy reading the posts.

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8  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: October 17, 2022, 08:37:59 pm
Man I bet those will be some big athletic rascals if they aren’t anything else! Keep us undated on those I’d like to know how they do.

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Yes sir I will. I’ve got high hopes for them. I’ll try to get some pics up eventually

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9  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: October 17, 2022, 09:24:48 am
Sreeves how do you like those plates?  I’ve tried several and can’t make myself use them. Too much exposure in my opinion.
jsh this is the first plate I’ve ever ran and there’s definitely some pros and cons. I like the mobility and they run cooler. But I’m still not convinced about the protection level underneath. I do think that most of the damage he ever took was on the hookup, after that the plate did it’s job.

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10  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: October 16, 2022, 10:49:56 pm
Man that’s a shame. He looks like he should be fast.

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Yes sir t-dog he really had a set of wheels on him and could handle a good one. Luckily I have a full mate sister to him. Have a litter out of her and a Wolfhound/Dogo. Really anxious to see how they’ll turn out.

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11  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: October 16, 2022, 07:11:39 pm

Few more random pics of him

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12  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Greyhound/Greybulls on: October 16, 2022, 07:04:49 pm

Stag Pit dog I raised. Was really making a hand. Unfortunately lost him to a big toothy boar this summer.

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13  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: I gave a HogDogging Q & A for kids on: August 18, 2022, 09:50:54 am
Awesome job!

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14  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Contra Pathfinder II on: May 26, 2022, 08:28:57 pm
BA-IV North Texas. Out west of Wichita Falls
jsh Yes sir it runs off bluetooth from the receiver to your cell phone. Although you will need cellular or wifi to download or load maps on the phone.
15  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Contra Pathfinder II on: May 25, 2022, 09:32:33 am
I switched from the Alpha to pathfinder about 4 months ago. I like it so far. Holds collar communication better than my Alpha did in this part of the country. Thats why i switched to it I was fed up with Garmin's BS.
16  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Cable Runs on: February 25, 2022, 08:20:27 pm
Thank ya t-dog
17  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Cable Runs on: February 16, 2022, 08:09:18 pm
Anyone have any pictures or details on their cable run setups? Looking for different options other than kennels. Thanks

I got mine off I defiantly like them but wondering if I should have just done the typical chain set up. they didnt work well in the ice storm

Never gave any thought to that but makes sense after seeing how the power lines fared in all that lol. Definitely something to consider. I'll take a look at those thanks!
18  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Cable Runs on: February 16, 2022, 08:06:58 pm
This has been topic on here a time or two. I had some cable runs and I loved them. I tried several ways and I think my favorite was with the cable about 3 foot off the ground. I dug a hole about 12” deep and 18” in diameter then centered and drove a piece of drill stem down about 3 more feet in the ground. I filled the 12 x 18 hole with concrete. I did the same on the other end about 35-40 feet away. I put long stemmed i-bolts all the way through both posts and used them to put the desired tension on the  cable. On one end I put the dog house and water bucket right up next to the post so that the dog couldn’t get wrapped around it and on the other end I put a stop on it so they couldn’t get wrapped around that end. I used a heavy duty pulley (no plastic) and a swivel at the pulley and heavy duty snaps. I don’t remember what size exactly the cable was but seems like it was like 3/8 maybe. I used power line cable. It’s twisted really tight which allows the pulley to travel smoother and isn’t going to rust and deteriorate as easy. I used 8-10 foot length of chain which gave them 16-20 foot of side to side room. I spaced the runs so that the dogs on the runs couldn’t get within 3-4 feet of each other. The runs I had low on the ground more or less wore the hardware out faster and they drug up and mounded the dirt to the center, under the cable. The ones I put 6-7 foot high took more chain to give them range and it hurt a Lil bit when you walk under one and the dog slaps you up side the head with the chain or pulley. The three foot high is up enough that the dogs can run under them with ease and you can mow under them easy. You can also step over them. Hope this helps.

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Thanks t-dog! Always enjoy reading your posts even if a never put my 2 cents in lol. Yes sir i knew i had seen the topic before somewhere but couldn't find it back. Sounds like you have plenty of experience dealing with these. I always figured you'd want them higher but makes sense that 3 or so feet is about right. This will definitely be helpful when i go to set some up. Have you ever tried putting another cable running to the dog collar?
19  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Cable Runs on: February 15, 2022, 09:22:03 pm
Anyone have any pictures or details on their cable run setups? Looking for different options other than kennels. Thanks
20  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / ISO Duncan Vest on: April 16, 2021, 09:23:14 am
ISO a couple Duncan Vests. Would look at other Aussie style vests as well. Text 940-256-4770. Thanks
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