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1  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Finally Caught Some Grown Men With Cutters on: March 31, 2009, 06:30:59 am
nice hogs man.  were gonna have to find you a midget to take pictures with your hogs your big ole butt makes them look small. Grin
2  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: just 1 flippin question on: July 31, 2008, 05:55:00 am
mis just so you know I perfer sasquatch.   Grin
3  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: just 1 flippin question on: July 30, 2008, 08:23:35 pm
see first you slip your knife in behind the front leg and then they usally fall right over. Grin Grin

the method has quite a bit to do with many scenarios.  does your bulldog pull or just hold.  how wide is the hog (wider hogs are harder to flip).  how tall is the hog (taller hogs are easier to flip).  Personally I have never had a problem flipping a hog up to 275 by myself,  but i am much bigger then you.  Monteria flips hogs the same way I do.  you grab both back legs and pick them up as high as you can then cross the back legs and roll him over.  at this point the hog should be on his side.  you continue to roll him to about a 45 degree angle and fold his back hind leg towards his body while putting you knee on his neck and grabbing a front leg.  I will say i have never had a hog that could scare me that he was going to get up except one that was 400 plus and really wide.  I didnt flip him by myself and even me and my partner could barely get him over.  he didnt get up though.  practice makes perfect.
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Crapping blood and intestinal sluff???? on: March 16, 2008, 04:59:53 pm
I would put my money on coccidiosis.  Heard about alot of dogs coming down with it and dying this year.  Grown dogs and puppies.  Good website on treatment and methods.
5  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Snake Boots on: March 16, 2008, 04:44:08 pm
Ill start off

Brand and Model #:  Chippewa 25109

Waterproof:  Yes

Leaks:  Yes

Weight:  Heavy

Construction:  Good

Comfortable: Yes

Temperature in Boot:  Warm

Price: Gift

Would Purchase again:  No
6  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Snake Boots on: March 16, 2008, 04:40:43 pm
Ok I figured I would take a poll here.  I am thinking about buying some new snake boots.  I have a pair of Chippewa’s that lace up.  They don’t make them any more and I had to send them back 3 times because they started leaking.  I liked them but they leaked all the time and were as heavy as wearing ankle weights on my feet.  I would like to see what people are wearing and what they like to wear.  I know it’s a good bit of typing but if ya'll would take the time to fill out the little form I think we could get a good thread going.

Cut and paste into your post with any other comments you feel necessary.

Brand and Model #:

Waterproof:  Yes , No

Leaks:  Yes , No

Weight:  Heavy , Medium , Light

Construction:  Excellent , Good , Fair , Poor

Comfortable: Yes , No

Temperature in Boot:  Hot , Warm , Cool


Would Purchase again:  Yes , No
7  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Got my butt whipped! on: March 16, 2008, 09:44:37 am
Glad you and the dogs are ok.  I had a dog get her tendon cut like that.  She lived after taking a liter and a half of IV fluid due to the blood loss.  We gave her 1 liter in the field and when A&M fixed her up they gave her another half liter.  It was expensive.  She spent 10 weeks in a cast which required me to take her out of the cast every day and replace the dressing.  She can walk and run now but I have not taken her back to the woods because I am afraid if it breaks again they told me that they couldnt repair the tendon again and would have to fuse the hock.  But she gets around now just fine and produces jam up catch dogs just like her. 
8  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: TDHA Contest - Division poll on: March 06, 2008, 03:34:53 pm
It's only because your a lazy bum.

 :Smiley Grin Grin

(Don't jump in guys Steve and I are friends)
9  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: TDHA Contest - Division poll on: March 06, 2008, 10:09:33 am
Before I post how would this affect those of us that catch tie take out alive and then put a .22 between the eyes Sunday, clean them and head to weigh in?
10  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: TDHA Contest - Feedback wanted on: March 04, 2008, 10:39:26 pm
You know I'm going to jump in here and say something.    Just because he caught a huge hog is no reason to call him a cheater.  3 years ago my partner and I showed up to the Cuero competition with 3 hogs. The first one went 247 dressed which took the big hog jackpot; he was a big red hog.  Our next hog was a 211 pound solid white hog (This caused a big fuss).  Our 3rd hog was a 179 pound red hog that we caught out of the same group as the big hog.  The way we run our dogs we turn the pits loose less then 50 yards out and usually have the hog over and legged and the pit off inside 90 seconds.  This is the way we hunt and this is the way we like to catch hogs so we can take them back to the pens and use them to train.  They don’t do us any good with infected cut up falling off ears.  On the same token our pits don’t have scissor bites (they are all undershot a bit) and don’t type writer bite or shake.  They grab and hold and that’s it.  This minimizes damage a lot.  Here is a prime example this hog was caught with our dogs 5 hours before this picture.  Do his ears look messed up.  And the catch dogs were on him for more then 90 seconds I assure you.  One dog on each ear.

That year at Cuero we were called cheaters when we weighed in and it almost resulted in one boy getting very badly hurt.  The reason they were calling us cheaters was because of the white hog.  I will not tolerate being called a cheater and I was boiling.  Fighting should never be taken lightly and if you call some one a cheater you better be prepared to say it to their face and back it up.  I have very little patience for anyone being called a cheater with out any kind of proof other then well that hog isn’t all messed up and my dogs can’t do it with out messing him up.

My whole point is that this is BS saying it sounds fishy and he didn’t have dog marks on him ECT.  If you had a problem with it you should have said something to his face and the judges faces there.  Not sitting behind a computer screen days later.  It is just in bad form.  Just out of curiosity which team were you on catchdog7469?

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