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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / 20ft HOG HUNTING RIG!!! on: May 02, 2017, 08:12:40 am
Selling my 20ft 10 dog box hunting rig. Holds 3 wheelers up top has a 16 ft area for hogs under wheelers with dividing gate and rear sliding gate. This trailer is loaded been a good trailer but not keeping hogs alive anymore so no need. Comes with 2 tool boxes one is a ranch hand box heavy duty other is alum box . 2 water kegs and the back weigh station. Tires are brand new bought in feb just did 1000 bucks worth repairs on dog boxes no rust.  For sale for $3500 or will trade for a 24ft goose neck lowboy. Thank you . Any questions please ask.
Call or text will send pics
2  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Omni quick track!!! on: December 04, 2016, 12:43:53 pm
Was just wondering if anyone has this new tracking system yet and if so how is it working?  Can't seem to find anything recent on it.
3  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Catch vest! on: December 01, 2016, 12:25:33 pm
Looking on getting some new catch vest what are the better ones everyone using ? I used  the guardian for the last 10 years.
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: 7th Annual Randy Bumpurs Memorial Hog Hunt!!! March 26 - March 27 on: March 11, 2016, 11:58:34 am
Want to register online but having a hard time with it . It shows 2014 register. Can I use that to register? Thanks
5  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Few trap hogs for sale. on: February 28, 2016, 04:07:21 pm
I have a few trap hogs forsale if anyone needs them. 2 about 40 lbs and 3 about 10-15 lbs . $40 you can have all. Located in BELLVILLE . call or text 832-715-1130 mnoviskie@aol.com
6  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Small hogs fore sale!!! on: October 21, 2015, 01:49:30 pm
I have 15 small hogs about 30 lbs each for sale if anyone wants some. $15 each trap caught. Live in Bellville it's hr west of Houston. Call or text 832-715-1130 or email mnoviskie@aol.com
7  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 2 young started dogs for sale! on: August 19, 2014, 04:50:19 pm

Red nose pit! Started well mannered , I'm cutting back . Been on a few hogs. 150.00

Reg. Cathoula female. I have papers she is started young and full of energy. Will not find her own hogs yet but at the bay every time. Just needs more time in woods. 250.00
Call or text 832-715-1130
E mail mnoviskie@aol.com
Collars & Cutters Kennels in BELLVILLE Tx
8  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Aluminum dog box for sale!! on: February 06, 2014, 07:26:58 pm
60" long 46" wide 36" tall
Selling for a friend
$350 call or text 832-715-1130 mnoviskie@aol.com

9  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Fatboy Outfitters Tournament 2014 on: January 26, 2014, 02:53:03 pm
Collars & Cutters will be their....
10  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: TDHA, Los Cazadores and Blake Granberry... on: January 14, 2014, 12:37:10 pm
I agree !!! TDHA IS LIKE THE SUPER BOWL OF ALL!!! Always a good turn out..
11  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Swine and Canine Brucellosis on: January 02, 2014, 01:40:24 pm
Most every night had high fever like 103-104 and all my joints would hurt. That was the worse part. Doc couldn't figure out what was wrong so I was thinking one day about brucellosis and I asked doc to run test on that so he did and about 2 weeks later they called and said that is what it is. He said I was the second case in his 30+ year being a doc. A local vet got it as well. I had to take some pretty bad stuff for 6 months.. My joints still not all that great... But I'm better..
12  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Swine and Canine Brucellosis on: January 02, 2014, 09:34:00 am
I got swine brucellosis about 3 years ago and it's no fun at all.. I got all dogs checked and they all came back good. I was happy for that. Be safe out their I thought it couldn't happen to me but it did.. After I got cleared up with it I starting be more careful wearing gloves and such but than I just went back to my old ways.. It's out their !!!!!
13  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: TDHA tournament ? on: December 31, 2013, 09:25:33 am
I'm hoping it is a alive contest....... Just me though.
14  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Lets see some pics of them crazy ol catch dogs on: November 24, 2013, 11:49:06 am
15  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Lets see some Red leopard Catahoulas??? on: October 22, 2013, 02:00:00 pm
16  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / PRICE reduced on NEW Garmin 220 on: September 30, 2013, 11:23:32 am
Brand new never used. Garmin astro 220 . $200.00 live in BELLVILLE 1 hr west of Houston . Call or text 832-715-1130 . mnoviskie@aol.com
17  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dead or alive on: September 27, 2013, 06:40:16 pm
18  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / NEW astro 220!!!! on: September 24, 2013, 04:38:39 pm
I have a new astro 220 never used.. $225.00 I'm hr west of Houston in bellville tx.. Call or text 832-715-1130 mnoviskie@aol.com
19  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Young black mouth cur. on: September 17, 2013, 07:17:51 am
I have a young bmc I bought in April ! She is about 8 months old. Have not work with her on any hogs yet. 150.00 hr west of Houston . Call or text 832-715-1130 mnoviskie@aol.com
20  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / NEW Garmin 220!! on: September 17, 2013, 06:58:46 am
New, never used or turned on 220. Asking 250.00 live hr West of Houston . Call or text 832-715-1130. mnoviskie@aol.com
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