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1  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 31, 2009, 06:46:38 am
Thanks...I tried to post them, but it wouldn't work.  You can post them.  Yeah like I said he looks great now compared to when he came.  The sores just started Friday or we would have already taken him in.  I knew there was something under the hair, but couldn't tell till his skin and hair started falling off Friday.  He is FAT compared to when he showed up last week.  I could count every vertebrae in his back and all his bones.   My mom said people had been sniffing around here looking for a "BLUE LACY" this weekend.  She said they must have read the sign.  I didn't know she put the breed up on them so I told her to take them down to avoid the riff raff.  As soon as he gets better she plans on getting him neutered and chipped.  I went and visited him about 9 last night and he is just so sweet, and LOVES my 2 year old.  Geese he is affraid of men though. 
2  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 30, 2009, 09:44:46 pm
I have tried posting pics, but it says that it is full!!! Not too big because I shrunk them when it said that.  Just too full...Not sure!
3  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 30, 2009, 08:39:01 pm
So, some people that we know came over today.  They used to rescue greyhounds.  They saw "Colonel" and said that the huge sores on his back look like he has had acid poured all over his back.  He is going to the vet tomorrow.  Poor thing.  We have been doctoring them.  Working for a vet for years in the past and all the rescuing we have never seen anything like that, but now that they mentioned it that is what it looks like.  No telling what this dog has been through.  We get lots of dumps out here though.  Maybe he found his glory place!!!!!
4  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 30, 2009, 08:23:59 am
I'm working on getting the pics to you right now. I have done lots of rescue in the past with pitts and rotts AND many others.  Believe me I know head strong dogs.  My rott that I rescued was the most head strong dog I have ever seen. Even the police dog trainers I sent her to could not do anything with her, but after years of working with her I finally got her to work WITH me.  I had her for ten years before I had to put her down.  She was full grown when I got her so she lived about 14 years.  I miss her everyday.  All I I have ever rescued were adult dogs that needed more help.  I try to give the older ones a chance. 

My parents live a street over and we have over 600 acres in this area and more in other areas where we raise cattle.  At the moment he follows them around when they do the daily duties.  During the afternoon he begs to go in the huge yard my dad made for our other dogs that recently died over the summer at 15 and 13 a month apart frm each other.  If we can't find his home he is kind of a blessing.  The other dog we rescued from First Monday is still young and runs off every once in a while when we take him running or what not.  Back to "COlONEL"  the Blue Lacy at night he guards the house.  It is great because we haven't had anymore coyotes or hogs right on the porch since he came.  We love the nature and have lots of deer and raccoons that come up to the house and eat from about 2 feet away from you.  He seems to really like it.  He also loves kiddos and all the barn cats.  We love him alot already.
5  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 29, 2009, 08:12:21 pm
Also, I am kinda hesitant about finding the owner because he is scared to death of men.  Every ANY man comes around he runs and hides.  It is sad!
6  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 29, 2009, 08:07:54 pm
Sorry, my husband was sick last night.  I took the baby to my moms last night so he could get some rest.  While I was there I took pics of him.  I just don't want just anyone to see the pics though and try and claim him ya know.  I will get on it tomorrow.
7  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 28, 2009, 06:46:23 am
I will get on that when I get home from work.  I used to do rescue for the humane society and other shelters and we always searched all over the dog for a chip just in case.  He wasn't wearing any gear, but I told my mom there is no telling how far he has been or who he as been involved with.  Someone might have taken it off before he came to us.  He is really sweet and loves little kids and cats.  I'm not sure if he was a hunter or not, but I would hate it if I couldn't find my dog.  It scares me now that I have tried to find his home and there is really no where in the country to really post up.  There are only a few places out here.  PLUS NO ONE has heard of Blue Lacy.  Not the vets or the rescue or the pound.   They think we are crazy.  I will get pics of him, but he looks pretty bad, but I am sure ya'll are used to that.  If we don't find his home my mom is going to keep him and call him Colonel.  Smiley Her and Elvis our rescue from First Monday in Canton Elvis have fallen in love with him.  Do they play at all?  He just wants to lay down all day.  He seems healthy enough to play now, but he doesn't even act like he knows how. Or isn't even interested.  Just wondering.
8  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 27, 2009, 08:47:59 pm
Do most of ya'll chip your dogs?
9  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Found Blue Lacy on: August 27, 2009, 08:08:01 pm
Well I thought he was a mutt, maybe a great dane, wierimer, or lab mix.  But I couldn't let it go when my dad said he looked like a hunting dog and we have so many hogs around here.  I worked for a vet for 6 years and never saw anything like him.  So I researched it and found the Lacy's.  That is what he is for sure.  He was in pretty bad shape when he came to us.  We have called the Vets, Pound, Animal rescues and no one has even heard of them.  So I figured someone had a hog forum around here somewhere and found ya'll and figured I would post this.  He really sweet and has come a long way in the last couple of days.  My mom is going to keep him if we can't find his home.  I am from the city and not used to having no where to go to when you find a home. 
10  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Found Blue Lacy on: August 27, 2009, 06:53:51 pm
We had a Blue Lacy show up.  We are in Kaufman County at the edge of Van Zandt County.  He is a male not neutered.  Wondering if anyone lost theirs.
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