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1  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: any one hunting in AR? on: October 19, 2009, 04:31:05 pm
I used to . But the water drowned all of'em .   :'(
2  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Collars on: October 14, 2009, 12:39:49 pm
Very nice collars . Wouldn't mind owning one myself . Your dad has a second trade .
3  GENERAL CATEGORY / HUNTING AND FISHING / Re: Trigger & Door Design on: October 11, 2009, 09:14:29 am
Thanks for the responses . Any pictures of the triggers ?
4  GENERAL CATEGORY / HUNTING AND FISHING / Re: Trigger & Door Design on: October 10, 2009, 06:17:37 am
I like the saloon or the repeating doors if the trap is big enough!

Thanks for the reply . Any pictures of the triggers ? I'm a dog hunter and know very little about trap design . Have used the trip wire a little but looking for a better design .
5  GENERAL CATEGORY / HUNTING AND FISHING / Re: Trigger & Door Design on: October 09, 2009, 08:49:55 pm
Anyone ?
6  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: WARNING all dog owners !!! on: October 07, 2009, 06:56:23 pm
 Grin  Gotta love that one ............
7  GENERAL CATEGORY / HUNTING AND FISHING / Trigger & Door Design on: October 07, 2009, 06:39:59 pm
Can someone provid me with some information on trap doors and triggers ? I need some input on which design works the best . Any web site information you have would be appericative . Guillotine , Iron Curtain , Saloon Doors , Repeating Doors , etc.
8  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: waurika baying cut dog on: October 07, 2009, 04:29:05 pm
I'm not usually one to tell a grown man or woman how/what to do... we've already got too much of that as it is 

I do have to wonder though... if you're organizing an event, you do have the power/responsibility to make some basic safety rules - No Drinking, No Fighting, Park in designated areas only, etc, etc.

We all know from experience that if a dog's leg gets caught in the panel, or the hog pins the dog down against the panel, it can work the dog over pretty good. Common sense would dictate that a little trophy or some Calcutta cash aren't worth getting your entrants dogs torn up over  Undecided   It wouldn't be too hard to require that one of two things happens:
** all cutters get dubbed.
** all dog have to have a CC on to walk into the pen.

Does that make sense or am I missing something?

Good post and something for pen owners to consider . I too hope this thread has no negative affect on bay pens . I wasn't there so I really have no binding comment on this subject .
 Our pen has a " STALL " at the exit gate with another gate in front of the hog when he exits the pen . The hog can't go forward or turn around in the chute . He can back out , but if he has a dog on the rear end he has forward motion on his mind . We have two pen helpers , ( sometimes three ) inside the baying area and two or three working the chutes . If a dog catches the hog and goes into the " STALL " with the hog , a pen helper grabs the dogs back leggs . A chute worker has a " SLAT " he can remove quickley and break the dog off preventing minimum injury , if any , to the animals or any pen workers . Still accidents happen . We have them all of the time . Anyone thats around livestock will tell you the same , It happens . Dubbing the teeth cuts injuries down to a minimum , but again exception is a rule . We have two hogs that you could pull all of their teeth and they would still wreck a dog . They are known for biting more than cutting the dog . And as I stated in my other post , we have two holding cells to load the hogs in for safety reasons . We keep four hogs loaded to run in single cells . Also pen hogs need to learn how to work your system . They need to know to go one way and where the ENTRANCE & EXIT holes are .

[/quote] We all know from experience that if a dog's leg gets caught in the panel, or the hog pins the dog down against the panel,
 WARRHEID something else we have added recently to the pen . We put wet felt up over the tin to minimumize injuries . Most of the time the hogs will set up in the back near the exit .

I would think that in a bay pen a dog would have the advantage and disadvantage in the woods. You gotta think there are thorn brush, vines, trees, slough etc that a dog could get caught up in while trying to dodge a hog. i hope the dog made it ok its always good to run a vest or a collar.

I have always believed that a large percentage of dog injuries in the field are from the dog not being able to move quick enough due to certain obstacles in the field . You also need to remember that most pen dogs are different than your woods dogs . Loose baying VS tight baying .
9  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: waurika baying cut dog on: October 04, 2009, 10:49:06 am
We " DUB " our hogs teeth when we have the help . Usually every three months . Reggie Skains furnished the hogs for Uncle Earls in 2008 and he didn't dub his hogs teeth . I always tell eveyone to use a cut collar . Just makes for good common sense . Hope the dog makes a speedy recovery .
10  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Is it really necessary? on: September 27, 2009, 11:09:25 am
Thats fine with me, but when we dont have the rights to enjoy the sport that we love, we'll know who to blame.

Thank you .  Wink
11  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: bay pen in S Ark on: September 23, 2009, 07:35:31 pm
hey bro are you setting up for competition or just practicing. if its just practicing that fine just wanting to know me and some buddies are always looking for different pens and to meet new hoggers. thanks robert

Practice bay , got out of competion 5 years ago . Have had this pen going for the last 4 years . Have several competiors that come here . D.Boykin , B.Moffitt , D.Flimester , C.Bland , B.Bardin , etc. We don't advertise , word of mouth mostly .
12  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: bay pen in S Ark on: September 21, 2009, 02:26:27 pm
I have 23 boars from 50 pounds to 300 pounds + / - . My bay pen is set up for competion , 50 X 50 . Two entrance chutes and one exit gate . Bleachers , porta potty and ample parking . Second Saturday of every month . Hogs teeth are dubed when I can get the help . NO CATCH DOGS , DRUNKS or DOPERS ! Family atmosphere , women & childern . One time charge per dog for use of facility . We brake for lunch around noon . Reply via PM .
13  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: bay pen in S Ark on: September 17, 2009, 07:26:06 pm
I sent you a PM .
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