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HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Genetic calculators
on: May 07, 2024, 10:57:43 pm
HAHAAHAHAHAHAH Damn man hahahahaahahhahha. Thomas has some of the best dogs that I hunted with and he has bred those dogs many a years and knows them inside out because thats what it takes years and years. I totally understand about breeding to the traits that a breeder wants in a dog. Nobody is really the same when it comes to the ideal type of dog. Thomas at the time we hunted together like his a little more loose baying and I liked a dog that was a little on the ruffer type side with good sense to know when enuff was enuff. At times my dogs were to ruff and got to in your face and paid some big prices. But either way he caught his share over there in Meow Kitten Country and we caught our share over here in North Yoemen country lol. If I was to start up again Thomas would be in my crosshairs for a dog thats for sure. My lower back is what put the brakes on me. My dogs got old some got killed and I just stopped breeding them.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Genetic calculators
on: May 07, 2024, 08:20:32 pm
I do not want people to get the wrong impression here. I am not saying our way are my way are anybodys way is the only way to breed dogs , no that is not at all what I am saying here. I am just relaying how we done it back in the day. Am just relaying to you all what we seen with our own eyes and not what some Collage Grads Gentic Experts book is telling you. Everybody has their ways and no one way is the only way. We went threw a lots of hard times doing and learning all of this and trying to understand what was really going on and not what some suspose to be expert gentic guy was teaching. I just want people to believe what their own eyes are telling them because most the time its going to be right. Yall have fun breeding them dogs. We did!
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Genetic calculators
on: May 07, 2024, 08:03:11 pm
Nothing wrong with great linebred heavy families of dogs there has been many great linebred families of dogs in just about every breed. The key to a families of dogs is like Burt said the test of time. But then the there is a master key to all of it. That Master key is the indivual dogs being bred threw out those years. Ive seen whole families of dogs completely ruined by breeders who are partial to percentages of this dog are that dog and going ahead and breeding that super great bred inferior dog instead of breeding to a truly great dog that did not have as much percentages of a certian family are dog as the owner are breedier decided they had to have. Anytime you breed a heavy heavy heavy family dog his gene pool is very potent beacuse of being so heavy family bred. Alot of times what happens is you will breed this super super potent heavy heavy family dog to a straight cross and think man its gonna be great these pups are going to be 50% Eli Jr because of the sire being super heavy straight bred Eli blood and the other half on the dam side is a straight cross of lets Bolio/Redboy blood. So you got your liter they grow up and the best you get out of it is a bunch of so so type of dogs good buy not great and defienely not as good as the sire are dam. The breeder cannot figure out what the hell has happened he scratches his head and his ass till they are raw and just cannot figure out why this proven cross has not worked. So what happened? Well in my experince it is this. You took a super super heavy heavy heavy bred Eli Jr dog that is carrying that blood super potent and you cross straight out to a Bolio/Redboy bred dog and the pups are suppose to be 50% Eli/25%Bolio/25%Redboy but what happens is this. The blood that, that super super tight pure bred Eli jr dogs blood is so pre-potent that it is completly over riding the cross blood. In other words the Bolio-Reboy bitches blood is not even breaking down the pre-potent Eli Jr dogs blood so really that liter of pups is still just a straight bred Eli dog lol. LOL You think am kidding we have seen it. So now. If the breeder is not experinced enuff to know this . What does he do? He number 2 cans the whole liter . A wasted breeding lol in his eyes but to a man that know this is how things really work in real life and no school books are going to teach you this. The only thing that is going to teach you this is doing it. So the experince breeder takes this liter and culls it down to the very best offspring of that liter and what does he do? He now recrosses this dog and goes back over the top of them with the same type of Bolio/Redboy cross. Now guess what? This liter comes out and now the cross has worked because now the double potent Eli Jr blood has been cut twice with the same cross as the first time and now the Bolio/Redboy has cut that pre-potent Eli Jr blood to a true 50% Eli Jr - 25% Bolio -25% Redboy true cross and the dogs in the liter are complete absolute Beast ! This is just one example of how gentics really work in the real world and not in no school boys gentic class. This is another example of real life breeding and not what some Calculator is telling you. It tooks years and years of doing this hands on seeing with our own eyes what was really happening. There was more than a few of us. I had 75 dogs, another buddy very well known had over 80 and a lots more with anywere from 20 to 40 dogs on every yard. It was a Passion of life we lived and breath these dogs. Anyway everybody has their ways of doing things and its all a part of the game. Everybody is looking for that once in a life time dog. This thing is long here but man you cannot explain these types of things in just a few sentences.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Genetic calculators
on: May 06, 2024, 09:08:40 pm
I owned and bred Bulldogs for many years and know a lot of the greatest breeders of their time. A lot and lots of great and fine people. Threw my years I produced many, many of great dogs. Gr Ch Brueax, Gr Ch Hannah, Ch Katrina, Ch Bandit, Halls Ch Sugar and many more. I owned N. Toby bought him from Clemmons owned Ch Sister who was given to me by a great great friend after Ch Sister won over Irish Jerry with Irish Jerry saying afterward Ch Sister was the best he had ever seen. I got friends that were at the Jimmy Boots vs Benny Bob outing. Know the man personally that bred Bullyson, Eli Jr and Brendy lived right down the road from him and know many many people that owned dogs off of these great old dogs. Some mighty famous dog men and breeders. I know longer own a bulldogs no more those years are gone. I dabbled in the hog dogs for a pretty good many years and had what I consider as good as any of course thats my side of the story. But I can tell you this about breeding. It is very very easy to get caught up into all of the inbreeding, heavy heavy line breeding and just the whole got to have the tightest family of this are that thing. I know I done it myself! Now as the years have past me and bunch of my old bulldog buddys got together and were talking about the mistakes we made and the things we done wrong and yes the things we done right. When we looked back on the very best performace dogs that we produced threw all those years. The very best dogs most all were big time crosses are back crosses. They were not tight tighly bred dogs they were a true blend so do speak and only the best of their kinds got bred. We found that most of the greatest performace dogs where when the best to the best dogs where bred togther and the hell with the pedigree. It is best to let the dog make the pedigree and not the pedigree make the dog. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we want as humans that we try to over rule mother nature and that is a mistake. Yeah I said that. Any breeder worth his salt has done this and if he dont admit to it then he has not bred as many great dogs as he might think he has. This all comes from first hand experince hands on the job and not only mine but many, many great dog men of performace dogs. Sure there are some crosses that work and work well when you hit this cross breed the hell out of it your chances of letting mother nature make you a great dog is better than you trying to make it yourself. When it comes to inbreeding and heavy heave linebreeding you damn well better know when to stop, when to cross because if you do not. You can number 2 can a a whole line of dogs in a hurry. Anyway this is just some of my experince and a lot of great dog mens experinces in the breeding game. Dont worry about a caculater worry about what your own eyes are telling you and the dog in front of you. Its took many years and many mistakes and tons of heartaches not to mention money time blood sweat,tears, divorces and retirement to finally put all the peices together of what I did right and wrong as well as all my old buddys. Have a good day.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: What is hunt in y’all’s opinion?
on: April 17, 2024, 10:37:27 pm
I agree they will get spoiled if you are always putting them on the track and pretty soon that is all they want. I myself wanted dogs that would find their own and run it down. I think a person needs to go one way are the other either use track dogs are the kind that find there on track and hunt it down. With that said I know we use to would run across a good track and put the dogs on it but 90% of the time we would just turn them loose in what we thought was a good place and the hunt was on.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: What is hunt in y’all’s opinion?
on: April 17, 2024, 09:57:56 pm
I always loved dogs that you cast out and they go and find the track/scent themselves and then put a hog at the end of it. To me that is hunt. But not calling the kettle black. A dog that you put on a track and he runs it half a day and puts a hog at the end of it that is also hunt. Its hunt used in different human made methods and ways. Its not that one dog are one way is better than the other. It boils down to the owner and handler and what he needs and wants. A dog that goes out and finds his on track and scent and runs it a half a day and puts a hog on the end of it is hunt and the same goes for the dog that you put on a track and he runs a half a day and puts a hog at the end of it. So hunt is hunt some may have more some may have less some use it this way and some use it that way. Its up to the hunter of what he wants and how much hunt he wants in his dog. For me I can tell you either way if the dog quits the track premature to many times and I know this for sure he is gone.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Age old topic: To Breed or Not to breed?
on: April 17, 2024, 09:04:15 pm
I Met Bert Sorrell several times. A friend of mine knew him very very well. He use to come to Texas to shows a lot of times. I know several that could never beat this man including a very personal friend of mine. Another old friend of mine that we still talk every week when he was a young man back in the late 60's and early 70's and was getting into the dogs. He said he would go to shows and Bert would be there and betting on certain dogs and he said the man never lost a bet that he knew of. He said he watched him several times and then he would go and sit by Bert and when Bert bet on a dog my buddy said he would bet on a dog lol. After several times Bert finally ask him who he was and they became friends over the years lol. Bert was very very hard on his dogs and you better damn well know what you got and what you are doing if you ever when into competition with him. My old buddy that became such good friends with him over the years still claims and says he never saw Bert loose a bet. Where do you think the motto came from, The Text of a Dog is his Show/The Test of a Family is Time! Bert Sorrells.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Hardest trait to nail down consistently?
on: December 11, 2021, 10:02:23 pm
I sit here now and droll at the great breedings I could have made when I had the bulldogs. By that I mean crossing into some of the best of their time of different lines. But instead I was in love trying to make tighter breedings to save the bloodline or bloodline's that i had only crossing when absolutely needed. They were already tight enuff and some more than they should have been. Hense another part of the human element . It was what I wanted and not what the dogs needed are were begging for to make great great performance dogs. In all retrospect all that heavy line and inbreeding was just purley unnecessary it was tight enuff and would have produced super performance dogs almost surely had I crossed them with the great performance dogs I had at hand . I can say with all confidence I was not the only one making this mistake . I know many many that went down the same well as I did. This is not to say I did not or they did not produce great performance dogs it is only saying had I listen to what the dogs were telling me and not what I thought needed to be done. Its no telling what would have been history now . Family breeding is a great thing but as I have said do not go down the dry well that so many have already been down. If you have great confidence in your heavy linebred dogs never ever think twice to breeding to a great great dog of another bloodline in other words a straight cross. This is how great family are started and made if the breeding clicks. If it dont work no big deal chit can it and move on . It takes a lifetime and hands on experience no hear say BS to realize all of this are at least it did me !
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Hardest trait to nail down consistently?
on: December 11, 2021, 11:25:24 am
Family and hard line breeding is great till the breeder of dogs goes over board with it . Many great dog men are guilty of it and so am I. The key to family and hard line breeding is to know when enuff is enuff. One of the hardest parts of dog breeding is finding two lines of dogs that click . By that I mean where you get almost the perfect dog are dogs you been looking for . When you find this you breed this till the balls fall of . Like Tdog said when you think you have the best and nothing can be improved is when you are done. There is always room to improve. Another key to dog breeding is finding a dog that can at least reproduce a dog are dogs as great as him are greater . That is like finding a needle in a haystack. What is even harder than that and more precious than that is finding a great producing female . She is worth her weight in gold ten times fold . As we looked back on the many years in the bulldog breeding we found that loose line breeding ended up producing the best dogs we ever owned. This type of breeding gives your blood in the dogs room to breath and work for you . When you are heavy family breeding you may be breeding the very best dog of your blood line but when you stack and stack even the best dogs if there is a bad gene in that bloodline some were before your time it begins to close and closer to the front until Boom ! Then you have to worry that all of the dogs you bred before this are carrying that same gene. LOL I could go on and on and on but you get the point. Its there and you didn't even know it for 20 years and all the sudden your gold turns to chit . So if I had to do it all over again I would do it just like I started out doing it and had some of the best dogs of my time breeding best to best with loose line breeding and loose back crosses. The human element is the weakest link when it comes to breeding dogs.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Real bulldogs
on: November 28, 2021, 07:07:21 pm
Yeah you can really see her in a few of them pups big time. O yeah I got old bulldog friends that I will go to the grave with . Yeah man after it was all said and done in the bulldogs for all them years . I ve had a chance to really reflect on the things we did and did not do. When we where really running dogs we did not have time to make sure this dog was in there are that dog was in there. We bred to the dogs that got it done and with great results. I think you will find out that after a person makes so many of those breedings best x best and you have great offsprings from those best x best . Then you can start to build a real family of dogs knowing what crosses to use because it will be the crosses that are in your best to best breedings. I dont want anybody to get me wrong I love good family bred dogs and bred them a long time like that. Had some great dogs . But now that all the smoke has cleared threw all that breeding we done . I can clearly say. If I had to do it all over again I would have never gotten so deeply involved with heavy heavy family breedings. I would have done it like I started out doing it not giving a damn about a pedigree but breeding the best to the best and let the dogs make the pedigrees and stayed the hell out of the way. Breeding dogs like that you get all the vigor in the world and dogs that can stay for the long haul. The human element I have figured out over the years is the weakest link in real dogs .
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Widows peak in Bulldogs
on: November 28, 2021, 12:57:46 pm
This same rule of thumb goes with linebreeding and inbreeding. You can completely screw up a family of dogs by trying to breed them to tight and I mean fast fast fast . If I had to do it all over again . I would breed best to best and let the pedigrees sort themselves out . If you see a great great dog do not hesitate are be afraid to breed to him are her the hell with the pedigree. When I bred best to best and the hell with the pedigrees is when I had the best dogs I ever had in my life. I did this for the first 15 years are more when I first got into the bulldogs and boy , boy is all I can say. Then I got tied up in bloodlines and thought I was smarter than mother nature and started breeding for families of dogs . Wrong move! Not to say there was not any great dogs in these breedings but it was never the same . The great great dogs come from breeding best to best with hard line culling.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Widows peak in Bulldogs
on: November 28, 2021, 12:50:02 pm
LH Cracker . Yeah the old back got so bad had to make some changes. There was about eight months there I could not even straighten up. Finally got it straighten back out . That kinda of pain will make you change your way of thinking lol. Been a long long time since I seen the Henry dogs in the pedigrees. Tudor took those Henry dogs and crossed into his lines of dogs. I think the old Great Black Jack dog he had went back to the Henry dogs. Joe Corvino was another great breeder that imported some dogs. The old Corvino dogs were damn great great dogs from what I know and know some people that knew him. A lot of old timers will tell you that the Corvino dogs is what put a lot of punch into the Eli dogs . A lot of folks need to remember that the cross you put in your dogs is just as important are even more important than the main line of dogs you are breeding . The cross is either gonna make are break your line of dogs. Thats a fact you just have to be smart enuff to see it and get away from it like the plague. I know of a many many lines of good dogs that got all screwed up because of the cross blood people used and were hard headed and would not get away from it trying to make it work. The thing is in the breeding game is either it works are it dont ! There is no inbetween !
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Widows peak in Bulldogs
on: November 28, 2021, 02:41:46 am
Same here with me. This is just my opinion . Not talking nonsense about anybody's blue dogs, horses are what ever. Just talking about mine and the ones I have seen. It was just a freak thing. All pups were Black and some Reds in that liter and right in the middle of them was this pup. I was sitting there with the gyp the night they were born. Stunned !
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Widows peak in Bulldogs
on: November 28, 2021, 02:27:48 am
The blue pit bulls were dang near all bred for color and that is just what you got 99% of the time. This dog here that I talked about up there was grandson of Gr Ch Lionhead , Cates Cujo , Ada and the Black Widow bitch. A super bred dog down from super performance fast lane dogs. The blue dogs you are talking about are mostly trash bred might be a few to the exception but I dont think many.