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1  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: For the guys with "THEIR" own line of dogs; on: July 15, 2012, 04:51:08 pm
I think he knows way more than what we give him/her credit for!!! Wink Grin
You wouldn't be interested in a toe fight would you? Dogginhogs
giving who credit for?
2  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: For the guys with "THEIR" own line of dogs; on: July 15, 2012, 03:49:13 pm
Well I can tell you this:
1-You are not gonna take a pack of mutts and let them find hogs for you on a consistent basis unless you are over run with hogs. Put them dogs down with a track dog and that one dog will make that pack loom like an idiot.

2-You're not going to CONSISTENTLY get a mutt from a pound that can produce a hog by itself on a regular basis.  Just ain't happening.

3-I hunt pretty hard in the summer and I don't run vests so saying people who don't run gear don't like their dogs not true. And if you're consistently catching big hogs, you will get a dog killed sooner or later. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. If you wanna play, sooner or later you'll pay the piper  Wink
that why I keep up with my dogs and I scout the areas so I know what hogs im hunting and hunt the dogs that I know can handle the hogs im after, I have been doing this for some 15 years now and have listened to hog hunters that have hunted 30 and 40 years. Its a matter of learning and I learn something every time I go out. I have never claimed to know everything but I do know that to catch the number of hogs I do and the size I do and not loose a dog i must be doing something right and must have learned everything that has been taught to me and must be training my dogs right as well.
3  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: For the guys with "THEIR" own line of dogs; on: July 15, 2012, 03:38:55 pm
this is exactly what i know to be true everyone has their likes and dislikes and ill bet anything I could take a dog that comes from a line that is rough and short range and make them long range and loose baying. everyones dogs will work the way you train them to work and will follow the way your pack works!

Just a couple of days ago I posted " analyzing your dogs in the pack" thread but it should of been "EVALUATING" your dogs in the pack... both words mean about the same...doggininhogs statement tends to fit along with what I have said...you can take a me too dog and run him in a good pack and this dog looks good... take him by himself and he is a cull...I have seen so called good packs of dogs...but when the lead dog is gone the pack looks like crap when hunting...

I am not knocking the pack dogs because different dogs bring a different skill to the pack...just saying evaluate your dogs on individual performance and breed accordingly...

You have it exactly, just 2 wks ago I ran with a guy whos dog has done great on its own and with some other dogs that had only been out a few times, then he ran with me in his area and with two differant dogs of mine on two differant runs my dogs both times struke hogs and bayed and his dog never joined the bays or even struke a hog. He said his dog was long range and loose baying, but on those outings the dog never made it out past 250 yards. He showed me on his garman where the dog was circling out almost a mile.
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: For the guys with "THEIR" own line of dogs; on: July 14, 2012, 12:26:33 pm
this is exactly what i know to be true everyone has their likes and dislikes and ill bet anything I could take a dog that comes from a line that is rough and short range and make them long range and loose baying. everyones dogs will work the way you train them to work and will follow the way your pack works!

Could you take that same dog and train him to be exactly what you want WITHOUT that pack.  Putting dog onthe ground by himself and expecting him to get it done consistently is totally different then throwing a dog down with other dogs and letting him pack up.

Going by your statement, you oughta have a yard full of straight up hog dogs, and you oughta be able to go right down to the pound and get em to do it.  I just don't buy that.
there are many people out there that do that very thing! I have ran into many hog hunters out there with mutes that are catching dogs and for only one reason ...money they dont want to spend the money to buy dogs or vests to protect their dogs it is easier to get a pack of mutes and push the woods sending dogs out on site chase then to invest any time or effort into making a good hog dog and protecting that dog as best as possible! I have NEVER got a dog killed by a hog do to training and the protection my dogs wear! How many of you can say the same thing?
Thats horrible. Well hopefully you can find a place by the time the contest comes around. Here is a little more info. The entry fee is $500 per team for early entry and $750 for late entry. I believe the competition is the last week of Feb. or first week of Mar. 2013. I don't check this much so if you need a flyer asking me to send you one via email and I will send it over.
can you send me one to dogginhogs@yahoo.com
6  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Saltydog Catahoulas--doin' it my way on: July 13, 2012, 07:53:15 pm
and since you didnt reply to another question, ill assume your opinion of me is, hard headed, honest and a straight shooter.  thanks  Grin
Moer like another guy who dont know how to pick a dog out of a litter or how to train a dog to hunt the way he wants and blend with his pack to improve his success!
7  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: For the guys with "THEIR" own line of dogs; on: July 13, 2012, 07:29:54 pm
this is exactly what i know to be true everyone has their likes and dislikes and ill bet anything I could take a dog that comes from a line that is rough and short range and make them long range and loose baying. everyones dogs will work the way you train them to work and will follow the way your pack works!
8  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Saltydog Catahoulas--doin' it my way on: July 13, 2012, 07:22:59 pm
rdjustham looks to me like you should have just stayed out of it! anybody that knows anything about hog dogs no matter what breed or blood line they come from can be trained to be aither rough or just stand back and bay! Everyone has their own likes and dislikes about what they want a dog to do while hunting. My preferance is to have a rough dog that listens to my commands, see if your good enough to breed that into a dog. if you can you will be the best breeder ever. lines are bred for intelligence, looks, strength, nose, instinct, and looks, the rest is up to the trainer to teach. there is no right or wrong about breeding dogs just likes and dislikes of the breeder and how the trainer molds each dog into!
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