Here is the one I got opening weekend. It was suppose to be my wifes deer but she got sick with a cold and I hunted her stand. Now hopefully she can shoot the one I was after since I got hers. He's a non typical 10ptr with a split main beam, not very wide but he still grossed 139 3/8 non-typical.
Couldnt get the tree and shrub but they had bayer insect and pest. has the same ingredient but only.97% instead of 1.47% will this work and how should I use it?
Had a couple stray dogs show up to one of my bays the other day. Dont know where they came from but they bayed pretty good. But after we got the hog tied they took off.
Got a couple new pups bout 9months and yr old this weekend, and my buddy has couple 6month old pups, so we decided to take them out this evening with one strike dog, and they got on their first young boar hog. It also broke my 2week dry spell, so Im happy.
he was in at the edge of a deep slough where we couldnt get in and get em and he was drowning the cd and cutting all the other dogs real bad so when he got close enough we had to kill em.