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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Started red Lep cat double glass eyes on: January 07, 2015, 10:36:07 am
Got a started Catahoula for sell call r text 2145481238 located Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 2 good started dogs on: December 09, 2014, 09:42:21 am
Got two started dogs for sell Nalc reg Catahoulas both males one a red merl the other is blue leopard both work hogs and fairly gritty both can put the breaks on one, only reason for selling is there smaller than the dogs I like to run call r text 2145481238 located in Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
3  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / I Need the money, hog trailer on: October 12, 2014, 08:58:57 am
Got a hog trailer that also holds two four wheelers it is 13 feet long by 7 feet wide has two new tires and wheels located in Leonard tx call r text 2145481238 email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com 400$
4  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Need gone make resonable offer on: October 11, 2014, 02:48:22 pm
I have a real nice started Catahoulas has been a rougher dog so far, 11/2 old male have pics and a short video of him on a nice boar caught last weekend call r text 2145481238 located Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com 2145481238
5  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Good started dog on: October 09, 2014, 12:20:19 pm
Good started rough dog has been on several pigs in the woods have pics and short video of him on a good boar I don't have time to socialize so if ur not serious don't bother texting are calling located on Leonard tx 2145481238 email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
6  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Delete on: October 06, 2014, 09:14:08 am
7  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Hog/4wheeler trailer on: September 30, 2014, 01:04:00 pm
Hog/ 4wheeler trailer can haul 2 4 wheelers and hogs on the trailer call for more info 2145481238 I have 2 new wheels and tires on it 400$ located in Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
8  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Nice started strike dog (SOLD) on: September 29, 2014, 11:06:59 am
I have a nice blackandtan female Catahoula that is going real good hate to sell her but just had a baby 3 months early so she's got to go 300$ call r text 2145491238 located in Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
9  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Free Black and Tan hounds need gone having hospital issues on: September 13, 2014, 12:32:09 pm
Free hounds ones a good coon dog the others not started need them gone email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com 2145481238 Leonard tx
10  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Hound up for trade on: September 09, 2014, 08:51:42 pm
I've got a Black and Tan hound real leggy long nose hound good looking trade for any thing that dosnt eat he's not started on any thing but easy to start, located Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com 2145481238
11  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Good started nalc Catahoula strike dog and a couple young fogs on: September 07, 2014, 11:19:49 am
I have a really nice nalc Black and Tan Catahoula female about yr and half old has struck her own pig several times just needs more wood time 400$ no less on her and a couple younger hounds I need to sell 100$ each on them, give me a call r text 2145481238 located Leonard tx email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
12  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Nalc male 21/2 yrs old and pups that will be ready in 4 weeks on: June 02, 2014, 01:08:29 pm
Have sum nalc pups for sell and a 21/2 yr old for sell started well not rough at all bay's close and works the piss out of a hog will take 300 for him and 300 each on the pups all NALC reg contact me at 2145481238 email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com  locate Leonard tx
13  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 2 bay dogs and a catch dog good dogs, wife is just making me get rid of a couple on: December 10, 2013, 07:10:25 pm
I have a Catahoula Black and Tan female 1 yr great handle needs trash broke hunts good and is coming off litter of pups, male blue Lep big dog 8 months old works in pen honestly haven't had him in the woods rough on a hog so far, male catch dog about 40lbs been on several hogs in the woods, all these dogs r good in the box and have no dog or people aggression, I live in Leonard tx 214-548-1238 email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com 200 for each r 500 for all three
14  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 5 month old nalc female Black and Tan on: September 18, 2013, 06:19:56 am
Nalc reg female Black and Tan 5 months old going to be a gamey dog, will have pics this evening, I live in Leonard tx Email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com call r text 2145481238 200$ for her she's a big boned female
15  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Pit pups line bred for should make sum jam up pups on: September 10, 2013, 12:50:44 pm
 Got sum blue and sum black catch dog pups line bred and 7 weeks old 2144718766 email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com Leonard tx 100$ each obo
16  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Catahoula pups out of proven dogs and proven breeding on: September 08, 2013, 10:05:57 pm
I have three Catahoula pups $100 each, I live in Leonard tx, call r text 2145481238, email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com
17  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: R.I.P " little girl" on: August 09, 2013, 12:35:57 pm
I've got a female Catahoula 2 yrs old she's stated but needs more work nothing wrong  with her at all 2145481238 ill give her to u if you'll hunt her and not just trade her off
18  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Catahoula female non reg double glass eyes, for a bag of dog food on: August 06, 2013, 02:31:35 pm
Got a female Catahoula just came off pups she's seen a couple pigs in pen and went rite to work with no problem, I live in Leonard tx northeast of Dallas email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com call r text 2145481238
19  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Catahoula male free need gone 2 day on: June 29, 2013, 04:51:30 pm
Got a black catahoula male pup 6 months old workn pigs have a couple pics, email I don't use rahinsley@aol.com live in Leonard tx call r text 2145481238
20  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: p&p contact/website. on: June 28, 2013, 11:10:28 am
They don't have a web page they just do word of mouth give me a text ill send u info this evening 2145481238
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