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HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Only in Florida....
on: June 18, 2012, 07:42:45 pm
Our club is bordered by the river about 12 miles from silver springs and those monkeys are all over it. The FWC said I could kill them on private property because they are non-native species. A buddy of mine killed two of them and has them mounted with little boxing gloves in a boxing ring.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: How many of yall turn the bad ones loose?
on: July 14, 2010, 05:34:48 pm
We cut and mark all of them on our property, just something I was taught by my grandpa. On the peanut farms the farmers would probally be removing mine if he seen we let one loose. If one ever kills a dog there aint no thinking about it I'm killem graveyard dead.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: what frightens u
on: June 22, 2010, 10:24:50 pm
I had a bobcat climb into a turkey blind with me and it will make you sound like a little girl and find somewhere new to get real fast.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: hot weather ?
on: June 18, 2010, 05:03:15 pm
It has never hurt any of mine. Some of them will look like you just fed them a lemon. My wife nursed some pit puppies through a case of parvo with it by forcing them to swallow it with a syringe every hour to keep them from dehydrating.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Dog loosing weight?
on: June 18, 2010, 02:37:05 pm
I have an old cur, not sure how old but is probally 9 or 10. About the last couple of weeks he has started loosing weight real bad. He is wormed every month. I have also gave him Droncit for tape worms. He will eat every thing you give him, but still loosing weight. He don't act like he feels bad just a little slower than normal. He is pretty much retired and hangs out around the house, but we took him hunting about a month ago and he broke a couple teeth on a hog and got cut a couple medium sized cuts. I gave him a couple of rounds of Penicillan and he seemed to be fine. Then he started loosing weight. It is the wifes dog and I am catching a lot of flack about him, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
on: June 10, 2010, 11:24:22 am
The Mitiban works good. My ol lady had a heeler she gave a dose of Ivomec every day for like two weeks per the vet and it cleared up. If you don't want to spend any money like my dad, use the old oil out of a tractor when you change it. He would just pour it over the dog that had mange a couple of times.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Catching Longhorns
on: June 04, 2010, 07:55:04 pm
Them long horns sound like our woods cows. If you don't pen them at least once a year they kinda get on their own plan. Letting a dog chew on their heads for a while normally gets a different attitude out of them.
on: June 04, 2010, 07:49:04 pm
I use the old oil out of my truck also and seems to make a pretty good rubbing post. For some reason them fellars in the green and tan uniforms get kinda upset about it. You can't make everyone happy.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Newest addition!
on: May 31, 2010, 04:58:58 pm
Yes we got plenty of hogs. If you cross the river and get out into the National Forest, no hogs. Like the other guy said lots of bears though. We got plenty of those worthless things to. I see you on Southern Airboat also. Have you ever hunted lake Cypress.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Newest addition!
on: May 30, 2010, 09:43:33 pm
Steffan I live north of Ocala on the west side of the river and I got plenty of hogs. Since all the Florida boys are here I need a male Cat to breed to my gyp if anyone can help. Fl Hogdogger where is Wilsons kennel.