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HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: My Catahoula Pups
on: July 11, 2010, 03:31:12 pm
Thank you for answering the question in a detailed manner. I was just curious if you had any criteria before breeding, about working abilty or if they just had to have papers.
My personal feeling is working abilty and temperment before confirmation or breed standards, as form will follow function but thats just my own opinion.
They are beautiful pups, best of luck with them.
Thank you uglydog... I love hunting, and will do so with other (good) dog breeds. But... I have a particular love for the Catahoula breed; therefore, conformation/standards come first then working ability and temperament. However, the work/drive/temperament is something I consider "my" conformation standard for them - so they are on equal footing. High standards? Yes, but I believe it makes the breed better in the long run for everybody. I hope that makes sense. Thanks Pudge; I'm partial to 'houlas (obviously). maybe you should just get a dogo they are all that AND a bag of chips or so i have been told My male cat will hunt his a$$ off but will eat a stranger that comes on the property. So I guess he is no good... "just playing" good luck...... LOL catacrazy... haven't owned a dogo before - but I keep hearing they are awesome. I do like a BMC and Plotts too. I got no problem with somebodies dog protecting the house/property from a stranger. If they don't, I gotta wonder about 'em. Anyway... thanks for the input y'all. If they make the cut, I'll keep y'all posted with pics of puppies:D
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: My Catahoula Pups
on: July 10, 2010, 04:58:50 pm
They both must be within conformation standards for male/gyp Catahoulas at least. If one of them don't meet that standard, they won't breed at all. They both have great bloodlines, so the chances are good they both will; however, I know nothing is a sure thing.
Next is temperament. I'll socialize them with humans and dogs I know that are disease free (or at least I think that are). I don't want a dog that explodes on somebody. But I also don't want a dog that overly timid either, as they tend to lash out - without a lot of training or supervised socializing.
Also there is their drive or work ethic. If one of them would rather do nothing but be a lap dog - breeding is off. I want to see a great motor and drive without losing their ability to obey or be called off. I realize part of this depends on their training (me), so I'll keep that in mind.
Essentially, I want assertive dogs, without being overly aggressive, and that meet conformation standards. Color doesn't matter that much - it's just bonus. I want hunting/working dogs that can play with my kids in the backyard; and yet, aggressive enough to stop a boar while hunting.
Last thing is, gyp wont be breed till her 2nd heat, so she'll be more mature and handle being "mom" easier. Oh, I do PennHip and BAER testing. Of course, I want to see both pass/score well. Depending on results will determine if they breed.
This isn't all inclusive, but a "nutshell." I'm sure there are things I've left off, or things folks will disagree with me, but ..... fire away, or let me know what you think. I'm always willing to listen.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: My Catahoula Pups
on: July 10, 2010, 03:31:44 pm
Amen to that brother! And thanks... Btw, these aren't litter mates - but will (hopefully) be making litters Should throw red leopards, blue leopards, patchworks, and solid black (w/ splits). Not expecting any solid reds.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / My Catahoula Pups
on: July 10, 2010, 03:20:47 pm
The following pics are of my Catahoula pups. I got them about a month and a half ago. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out and everything else that goes along with owning these dogs (with great motors). Tahyo (Cajun for "big hungry dog") is the male patchwork. His right eye is glass and left is glass/green cracked. Talullah is the black/brindle gyp and is going to be a slender leggy runner. Both amber eyes. I can't seem to get them looking straight at me - they wiggle and move around too much Let me know what y'all think.
on: June 22, 2010, 11:59:17 pm
Got two Catahoula pups. Feeding them Red Flannel 28/12. Was told that's too high in protein and not high enough in fat. So, I'm looking at RF Prime which is 26/18 or Black Gold which is 26/20. Deal is, it's $27/50lb bag for RF and BG. There is some Exclusive brand at the local Co-op which is 26/20 but $35/35lb bag, but the first two ingredients are chicken and then rice. It seems like it's better but what do y'all think??
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: English Pointer x Cat
on: June 11, 2010, 08:57:10 pm
ain't seen that cross, heck - i ain't even heard of it before. If you looking to buy a dog/pup with that cross, let us (me) know how it works out. Interesting to say the least...
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Spot on my gyp's head
on: June 02, 2010, 09:29:03 pm
I got two cat's (gyp and a male). They like to tussle of course. The male got her a bit much on top of her head and it started out as just a little spot. It's now just a bit smaller than a dime. Took her to the vet today and he scraped at it a bit and looked at it under a scope and said she just needed antibiotics. But, if it doesn't improve to bring her back.
Any ideas what this is? Or any thing y'all tried that seemed to work?
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Newest addition!
on: June 01, 2010, 07:50:00 pm
LandShark Wilsons Kennels are up in Youngs town right by panama city. I dont know if they have a male catahoula but I know that Pan Head Kennels is right up the street and from what I understand they are bread to hunt! I have never seen them hunt just what im told. Is there lots of hogs up there I travel through a lot and always wonder if there is...
FLhogdogger and Landshark... Panhead has some great catahoula's. Their website seems to be down right now but they do have a heck of a Facebook page. Lee's Catahoula's are great too ( but I don't know if he is studding any of his cat's right now. He is in southern Mississippi. Hope this helps! My male cat is only 3.5 months... so.... lol, not much help there
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Training question
on: June 01, 2010, 07:35:39 pm
BTW... I took some slop over to my friends hogs he has penned up. All sows btw - one of 'em gotta be about 200lbs at least. Anyway, poured out the slop along the fence/hog panel line because I knew they wouldn't move for nothin. I had my son holding my 2 young catahoulas with a leash. The female just stood there, neither moving forward or backing up. The male barked a lot and moved toward the fence. He got pretty close while barking at one of the smaller sows - who lifted her and grunted at first and squealed at the end. He backed up a bit and then went at the hog panel again barking. The sows backed up a bit... and then sort of stared at him, then walked back up and went back to eating. Tahyo (the male's name... Cajun for big, hungry dog) kept barking and lunging at the panel, but I guess they figured they were safe and kind of ignored him. In the end, I'm happy to see him interested in getting after them!!
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Hog hunting in KS..... nope >:(
on: May 31, 2010, 06:53:41 pm
Charles... I shot you PM - earlier before I read replies to my post. Interesting info about the sheriff in Ft. Riley. Went by there once to go to an A&M/KSU game. Heard there is a nice gun store just off the base in Junction City. That true? MDowns; I go to NE Texas a couple times of year since I'm finished school there (Whitehouse). I miss them piney woods and red dirt!! I really appreciate your offer and will look at going there in October sometime for sure. My dogs will be totally different by then!! And your right, Kansas=farming, big time. Gotta admit, some of these replies were really funny! I called a friend of mine just a minute ago and he said there is talk of bringing hog hunting back. The most hog sightings are around Medicine Lodge and right now they just send up a helo with a sniper and take them out. He said the just let them lie As fast as they breed, I imagine it'll get out of control soon. Thanks again y'all for the advice...
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Training question
on: May 29, 2010, 11:17:33 pm
Along the same line of thought here: I have 2 catahoula's. 1 male at 3 months and the bitch is 2 months... how early is "too early" to get them in front of a hog? I have no other dogs so I ain't got anything else to work with.
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Hog hunting in KS..... nope >:(
on: May 29, 2010, 11:09:11 pm
On an earlier post I asked about getting info on training my dogs to hunt hogs. In that thread, somebody stated they thought it was illegal to hunt hog here. I said I thought that used to be the case but not now. HOWEVER, I was finally able to get ahold of a human at the Parks and Wildlife office who confirmed that it's illegal to hunt hogs here!! I'm really bummed about the whole thing. I guess I'll have to go to OK or TX to hunt bacon.
Anybody in OK or northwest OK willing to let me tag along?? My dogs wouldn't be with me as they are only 2 and 3 month old Catahoula's. But I'd like to at least see how folks work with their dogs etc.