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1  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Wtf high fence hunt on: April 09, 2014, 04:57:23 pm
heres a link to one of our hunts in 2010 - three groups of dogs and everything was nice and smooth.


2  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Wtf high fence hunt on: April 09, 2014, 04:52:04 pm
I think you might have enjoyed yourself this past weekend - it seems a lot of misconceptions are present here. Indian Mound Ranch is 4400 acres of High Fenced land that has been in the family since the early 80's - since that time hog dogs have been invited out at least 5 times a year. I believe we all realize that corrizo springs can take a toll on dogs - as such multiple groups are asked to come out so that dogs dont run more than once a weekend. Everyone gets all you can eat (its a working Quail Farm) roasted and grilled quail - venison and the kicker - all you can drink for three days. you run your dogs for one day or evening and you decide when they are hot, when they are done and where you will work - there are plenty of recommendations on where to run them but the owner of the dogs has final say. The other hog doggers whose dogs are at the ranch house, come along for the ride and help out. if you want a few of your dogs working together than you discuss that and decide between yourselves. as far as cluster goes??? there's no such thing there - everyone arrives and signs the waivers, then the customers who are invited to hunt go through a short orientation regarding sticking pigs and dog safety - no customer can posses a firearm for the dogs safety - dog handlers are in charge - no running with blade out... that sort of thing. It is the most organized hunts i have ever been on. This forum is designed to allow like minded people to chit chat and share experiences... that's exactly what you missed out on this weekend. we don't care that we only stuck a few pigs - we drove around we ran at a relaxed pace we told stories and shared tips about running hogs with dogs. we enjoyed watching the dogs work and we let the dogs rest a day before the handler decided if they could or would hunt another day. Also you drove 5.5 hours expecting something and so did we - you committed to coming this past weekend and without asking questions you saw something you didn't like and you took off. that forced us to go at a more relaxed pace because we would be using dogs again on Sunday since we didn't have 3 crews this weekend. also - at the restaurant you said "i already have a plan B" - that's either thinking ahead, or you didn't plan on coming anyhow -  I hope you get the opportunity to go again, i think you and your dogs might have had a blast. but timing is everything in this world -
3  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Weekend Hunt At the Indian Mound Ranch Carizo Springs T.X. on: June 19, 2010, 10:30:48 pm
BEVERLY STICK BILLIES !!!!!!!! Man yall are crazy, your dogs and you all worked perfectly together all weekend... i have hunted all over, for all kinds of game and after hunting with yall i may never shoot a hog again !! It's AJ by the way... i cant wait to get out there again... we have 72 acres in lake somerville area, 15000 acres in concan texas on the frio and 500 in goliad... working on the next place with the next group. I have been back and forth to ausitn 3 times this week, so no pics posted yet, but i have videos and pictures that are great !  alkaline2525@gmail.com email me your email address and ill send em out this week. sew weeee get a head, get a head.
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