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1  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: my dogs suited to be catch dogs? on: January 15, 2011, 08:30:11 pm

forgot to mention i was planning on getting both cut vest and collar, any links to some good ones?

socalhogdogwannabe  Grin what a name bud!

If you search "vest" from the main forum page you will find many posts, opinions and sales of different styles and brands of vests. You can search GOOGLE beyond that. Just search hog dog cut vests and collars. Pretty pricey though for what may be only one hunt.

My opinion! Grin Your in the wrong part of the country to try and start a hog-doggin addiction... Unless your financially able (300-400 a hunt) to go often your dogs wont get the training they need to be any good.

best of luck to ya!

you are right, its most likely going to be a one time thing. its just something I would like to do and accomplish, and if I lived somewhere else would probably do regularly, but not going to happen here in socal. Thanks to everyone for the replies and advice.
2  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: my dogs suited to be catch dogs? on: January 14, 2011, 11:07:26 pm
thanks for all the replies, the dog aggression is only for unfamiliar dogs, not their own pack. DA is there but if I introduce another dog to the pack, they will accept it eventually. and as for fighting eachother over their kill, i havnt had a problem with that. California law says you can hunt with dogs, but you cannot use a knife or spear, I was planning on paying around 300-400 to hunt on a private ranch. I do not know if the same laws apply on the ranch. if I cant use a spear or knife and my dogs I wont do it. The hogs here in socal are not as big as out in texas. They will pretty much go after any animal they see, they chase coyotes but they are way to fast for them to catch. I was thinking like someone suggested to start them out on something smaller, the only thing I could think of out here before i would pay big bucks to go on a ranch is there are some feral goats. but i dont know the laws on that, and dont want to kill just for sport. as someone said american bully typically means short wide dogs but if you watch the vid you can see even my big dog can is pretty agile for his size. american bullies really are nothing but bandogges, and IMO depending on what they are crossed with they can be workable or be the dogs that just look "cool"... I guess like most are sayingmthe only way to know is to do it as there is no way to tell what a dog will or wont do until it happens. and I think starting them out on something a bit smaller would be a good idea. thanks for all the replies, any advice on hog dog training?

forgot to mention i was planning on getting both cut vest and collar, any links to some good ones?
3  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: my dogs suited to be catch dogs? on: January 13, 2011, 11:29:34 pm
well i guess theres only 1 thing left to do and thats takem hunting. thanks for the advice.
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: my dogs suited to be catch dogs? on: January 13, 2011, 11:15:00 pm
they are not people aggressive but they are dog aggressive with strange dogs. i walk them regularly off leash and they listen real good. when i take them out hiking they hunt for stuff but they only things they have gotten are rabbits, mice and skunks, they will eat the stuff they catch if i dont take it away from them but they very much like to hunt things. i have no doubt in my mind they would go after a hog if they saw one but theres none out here unless i go to a ranch. but basically what you are saying is the only way to find out is to just take them out and go for it?
5  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / my dogs suited to be catch dogs? on: January 13, 2011, 10:48:55 pm
Hi I am new here, I live in southern california and would really like to hunt hogs with  my dogs but there are no hogs here. I was thinking about paying money to go hunt some hogs on a ranch in california but before I do that I would need to train my dogs, and beyond that I would have to see if my dogs would even be suited for catching. They have a strong prey drive and IMO i think they would be suited for it. My dogs are what you would call an "american bully" or pitbulls, but they are not the true original apbts, dont know if you guys are familiar with american bullies or not but they are basically bandogges, or pits crossed with mastiffs etc. I have had people tell me my dogs wont make good catch dogs when they have never even seen them in person or even a picture, they hear the breed and that is their automatic answer. So long story short I came here to see your guys opinions on my dogs, and also to get info on how to train them to hunt hogs.

heres some pics.

also a quick vid, (this isnt to show their working abilities as they are just goofing around) also, i would only be using 2 of the dogs as the dog with the mostly white face does not have a high prey drive and not very confident, scares easily.

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