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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Looking for coon dog. on: October 27, 2010, 12:04:43 pm
I live in Salmon, Texas which is right outside of Elkhart, Texas. Im looking for a started coon dog...flavor dont matter as long as its papered and will strike, tree and ain't fussy. If anyone around the area has one for sale call 903-764-1944 or 214-218-4425.
2  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Strangest thing you have run across while hunting on: January 08, 2010, 10:39:19 am
Me my dad and my dads buddy De were coon huntin on Brushy creek on a place called tha Cannons because everyone goes out there ta mud and tha creek is like crazy deep. We cut tha dogs loose and was sittin on tha four wheeler on tha lip of tha creek, tha dogs already had a hot one struck and was runnin it when all tha sudden we hear a sound comin down tha creek sounds like all hells broke loose. We see tha head lights but still don't really know whats goin on and out of no where a car jumps tha hill goin down into tha creek tha head lights shine over our heads and were sittin on a hill. when all tha comotion finally settles down 3 or 4 teenage guys come rollin out of tha car, smoke goin everywhere they pop tha hood and one of tha boys reaches in and pulls out a handful of wires and other parts that shouldn't come off and says "Houston We've Gotta Problem". Turns out it was a rental car that one of their dads had got and went out of town leavin it with them. They called it The Rental Rocket....it was a pretty interestin night.
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