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1  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Crazy cur dog on: April 23, 2011, 10:47:51 pm
My cur gyp has been acting off for a couple weeks. Because of my fight with Parvo there is not much grass so I have hay spread all over so it does not get muddy. I kept finding my cur dog dumping her food and it mixed with the hay. I feed her separate because she wants to control when each dog eats. I got a kennel to put her in to eat. Tonight I caught her picking up hay with her mouth and putting it on her food and water. There has to be some crazy reason. The only thing I can think of is that the puppies don't listen and she does not want them to eat it. Has anybody seen a dog put hay on their food.
  Yes you can make a small pen like 3X3 and put a small hole where your pups can  go in and put a feeder in the center and tie it off and pups can eat when they want without her bothering them... some females do that....
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