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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Dogs for sale! on: April 15, 2012, 01:20:16 pm
I have several dogs for sale and they are way to cheap, I work in the oilfield in south Texas and dont have time to keep all of my dogs!                   

First one is a 2 year old brindle female. Mt. cur. She has been in the woods a lot she is a close to medium range and has struck her own pigs. She will get gritty with one and will catch once the catch dogs are there.   $150

Second is a lead in 1.5 year old pit. He is finshed, will have to use break stick to break him off of the ear. $150

Third is 3 year old ridgeback/dogo rcd. He is finished and has also stuck his own pigs he will honor any bay and will be the first one there.. $150

I also have 4 pups that are about three months old they are catahoula/curr cross. I have started them in a pen and all of them will bay hard. $50

text me (940)659-8474
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Wanted Bay Dog finished or just started! on: June 02, 2011, 08:20:45 am
I am wanting a bay dog, either started or finished! Would prefer something with BMC just let me know! (940)659-8474
3  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Hunting stuff for sale or trade on: June 02, 2011, 08:17:44 am
I have several guns,and 2 hog traps! (940)659-8474
4  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / 6 month old pit! Started Catch dog! on: June 02, 2011, 12:25:45 am
I have a 6 month old pit that is very leggy. He has been on alot of pigs and is very gritty. He has caught on pigs in the woods and knows how to go to the bay! I turned a 200lbs sow out into about a 15 acre trap and turned out a couple of younger bay dogs out and let them bay her up then i turned him loose and he went straight to the bay and hit like a freight train and caught a ear. I have since then givenhim 2 weeks off because a buddy told me to leave him off gor awhie and it will keep him wanting it and keep him amped up and ready, well we hunted this evening and he was the first cd to the bay.     $250 obo (940)659-8474 text me anytime or email me at but its better to text me!
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