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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / !!!MISSING DOGS!!! Please read on: September 16, 2010, 08:59:35 pm
Hey guys
I was kenneling my hounds at a friends house, the kennels "blew over" and three hounds and a yellow lab pup went missing. I'm not sure exactly what went down.......but I know I'd like to find them. There is two treeing walker gyps. A three year old and a 8 year old and a black & tan male that is 9.  If anyone has recently acquired these dogs, I'd like for you to know that they are mine.  If anyone on here has found them or knows who ended up with them, I'd be more than happy to pay for any leads. I will not whisper a word to anyone about anything. I promise. I just want my dogs back and there is a large reward.  I will pay anyone a finders fee, whether you have them or not.  If you know who has them, you can call, message, or text me at any time with total confidence that I will say absolutely nothing to anyone.  I live in Bridgeport, tx and the dogs were in Decatur, tx
God bless
I appreciate everyones honesty.
JJ French

You don't have to have the dogs in your possession to make money here. I'm looking for leads as well
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / lion and bear bred bluetick hounds on: September 06, 2010, 11:53:34 am
hey yall
its been a while since ive been on here because i started a pack of lion and bear dogs out of new mexico.  This line has been hunted and bred for 27 years.  I have 6 bluetick pups left and will be keeping 2 to add to my pack.  I am asking $400 a pup or trade for:....horses, saddles, tack, hunting, camping, trailers, etc.....  if paying cash and youd like more that one, i'd knock $100 off of the price for each additional pup.  they are all gyps and about 11-12 weeks old.  these are dryground dogs, so you wont have any issues hunting hogs, bobcats, coons, lions, or bears.  they would also make great candidates for blood trailing.  Im going to try to add a picture if it doesnt post just call or text me and i can email or text them to you
the pups are northwest of ft. worth close to Bridgeport
open to all outdoor trades OBO.....
God bless
JJ French

3  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / good dogs for sale! on: April 24, 2009, 10:42:43 am
Hey guys im sellin out!  I have too many friends who have hog dogs to have my own.  My loss is your gain!!
I live in Boyd, TX 25 miles NW of Ft. Worth
I have 7 dogs for sell

1. 2. 3.  I have three catahoula pups that are 7 months old.  They have not been hunted much, but have been started and are very gritty.  Have been face to face with a 322# boar and not scared.  2 males and 1 female    $150 each  would cost this much to feed them to this age.

4.  1 three year old female pit.  Very well built and game bred.  $100

5.  1 female 1/2 pit 1/4 redbone 1/4 catahoula.  She is 1 1/2 years old and has found several hogs on her own.  She is a great dog and crazy about a hog.  Great nose very gritty    $500

6. 1 full blooded black mouth cur male, 1 1/2 years old.  He has also found several hogs by his self.  him and the female listed above hunt very well together.  Best nose ive got.  Catches anything under 100#      $500

7.  I also have 10 american bulldog pups on the ground.  They are 4 weeks old now.  This breeding was intentional and for myself, i just dont need ten of them.  I wanted two females.  There are some white pups and some brindle.  Will be very good lookin and awesome catch dogs.  Both parents are way past proven!    $100 or trade

People who **CALL** my cell phone get first dibs because i dont get on the computer much.
Thank you much,
JJ French
cash or trades
4  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Re: lets make a trade! on: January 28, 2009, 10:35:09 pm
5  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Re: looking to make a trade on: January 28, 2009, 10:33:57 pm
6  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / lets make a trade! on: January 26, 2009, 09:49:25 pm
hey guys,

Ive got some old dairy calf pens that i have turned into dog kennels.  they are very nice.  they have three sections or 6 depending on which you like. 

the three section pens are 8' x 12'.  they have three sections 4'x8' and are 6" off the ground on skids with fiberglass floors.  the fiberglass has 1"x1" square holes in it.   

the 6 holers are 12'x24'.  each pen is 4'x12' and has dirt floors, concrete, whatever you choose to use.

both pens are covered half way with R panel sheet iron, at an angle so that rain will run off.

the smaller kennels have around $1600 in material in them
the larger have around $2200 in material in them

I am looking for a 100 percent finished strike dog.  sex does not matter.  breed does not matter.  must be silent on trail. 
I will want to hunt with the dog before making a trade.  these are very nice pens and am sure that everyone will be more than satisfied with them.

thank you,
JJ French
I am in Boyd, tx.  25 minutes northwest of fort worth
7  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / looking to make a trade on: January 26, 2009, 09:43:07 pm
hey guys,

Ive got some old dairy calf pens that i have turned into dog kennels.  they are very nice.  they have three sections or 6 depending on which you like. 

the three section pens are 8' x 12'.  they have three sections 4'x8' and are 6" off the ground on skids with fiberglass floors.  the fiberglass has 1"x1" square holes in it.   

the 6 holers are 12'x24'.  each pen is 4'x12' and has dirt floors, concrete, whatever you choose to use.

both pens are covered half way with R panel sheet iron, at an angle so that rain will run off.

the smaller kennels have around $1600 in material in them
the larger have around $2200 in material in them

I am looking for a 100 percent finished strike dog.  sex does not matter.  breed does not matter.  must be silent on trail. 
I will want to hunt with the dog before making a trade.  these are very nice pens and am sure that everyone will be more than satisfied with them.

thank you,
JJ French
I am in Boyd, tx.  25 minutes northwest of fort worth
i can deliver within fifty miles or so.
8  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Re: trailer and cut gear on: January 26, 2009, 08:53:18 pm
i would like first dibs on the cut gear!    817-296-7450
9  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Re: Dog Kennels Needed on: January 10, 2009, 11:39:52 pm
I've got em'!  Give me a hollar 817-296-7450.   Whatcha got to trade?
10  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Re: Nut dog on: January 10, 2009, 11:24:01 pm
pm sent
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