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THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / wtb finished strike dog
on: February 19, 2015, 11:56:38 am
Looking for a finished strike dog that has good nose and lots of bottom. I don't care about breed as long as the dog produces hogs. I would prefer a trial but seeing the dog hunt would be OK also. I don't mind spending the money for the right dog. Email is and cell is 979-482-2473 text is better during day but calling is fine after 6
on: June 10, 2014, 02:07:15 pm
I also have a quick track system with 10 collars all collars work fine except a couple of them the batteries went dead from sitting in case and not realizing the magnets had came out I am asking 500 for system. Call after 6pm or text anytime 979-482-2473 or email at
THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Garmin 320 and collars
on: June 10, 2014, 01:24:23 pm
I have a garmin 320 and 6dc-40 collars and 1 dc-30 collar all work good except one of the dc-40 collars has a tear on antenna where a hog cut it have house chargers to go with collars. Asking 900 for all if interested call after 6pm or text anytime 979-482-2473 or email at
on: March 09, 2014, 02:36:24 pm
Anyone have a plott or running walker there wanting to sale? I'm looking for a sure enough good one I have some big country to hunt and I'm looking for one or two dogs that will get gone and find a hog and stay with it until bayed. I don't mind paying good money for the right dog or dogs. I am open to anything as long as it has a cold nose and can take an old track and put a hog at the end of it. Thanks. Text or call at 979-482-2473 or email at
THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Need a sure enough good strike dog
on: January 29, 2014, 12:08:01 pm
Does anyone have a sure enough good strike dog for sale that's a no bs dog. Needs to be trash broke and want one with a cold nose and one that will stay with a hog until it can get it stopped. Will pay top dollar for the right dog. I have places to take you to see the dog hunt. Thanks. Text or call at 979-482-2473 or email me at
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: What Tournaments will allow Barrs this year?
on: February 01, 2013, 10:35:27 am
The rules are set and not going to be changed so IMO everyone needs to let it be and not complain anymore it is what it is this year. Lets all just hunt and have a good time and when the hunt is over then discuss with the tdha and see if you can come up with a solution. I am sure I'm not the only one that's tired of hearing all the complaining about barrs
HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: ******POLL*******Barrs: TDHA Hunting Contest
on: January 17, 2013, 10:46:19 am
Not trying to get in a pissing match or anything but I'm sure barrs are like anything else that some of them can be hell to catch but in just my experiences with the ones that we have caught they were the easiest hogs we have ever caught. The biggest one ever caught weighed 437 and he squealed like a short and didn't run anywhere.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: "Who's got the best dog"
on: January 09, 2013, 11:02:08 am
A good is in the eye of the beholder. My dogs are pretty good to me but if I hunt the 2000 acres behind my house the hogs will make them look like they have never bayed or caught a hog in there life. We have had several different people say they could stop the hogs and know they had good dogs but the hogs run so bad and the palmettos are so thick it is hard. So if the owner is happy with there dog than that's what matters
HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: CAUTION: readers beware... Illegal Barr hog story
on: January 07, 2013, 08:06:24 pm
I think the whole Barr idea has been blown out of proportion here and just for the record I will say it again I think it is a good thing to Barr hogs if you can but it seems like the argument never stops. Just when it slacks off some here it comes all over again it makes the post not even fun to read anymore. So why can't everyone just do there thing and enjoy hunting. And as far as one persons dogs versus another's if the guys are happy with there pack and they get the job done that's what matters. My dogs my not run a hog 1000 yds or they may run one for several hours but I will say where I hunt here by my house it is hard to stop a hog with gritty dogs or loose dogs and my dogs are pretty gritty so come on guys lets stop all the bs about barrs vs boars and we forget that a sow can run as long as anything. I wish I could hunt where some barrs are and catch a trophy like they caught. Great hog
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: What is a big boar to y'all
on: January 05, 2013, 07:52:06 am
Some of the biggest we have caught came from inside the nuclear plant I'm bay city, texas. I think we caught 8 inside there that all weighed over 300 plus a sow that weighed 326 and had 3 inch teeth. I would say a big boar hog is anything over 200
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Hounds vs curs
on: December 28, 2012, 10:54:43 am
I have hunted with lots of hounds down here in Brazoria county and will say that the ones we have had and one other guys hounds would move a track fast and had really cold noses and tons of bottom. We ran plots and running walkers and really enjoyed hunting behind them. I lost a plott gyp this summer and she was really fast and had a good nose but she was grittier than most plotts that we have owned and that was what got her